Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Should Illegal Immigrants Be Deported - 1811 Words

Illegal Immigration i Should Illegal Immigrants Be Deported? Philosophy 518 Dr. Davis June 25, 2012 Illegal Immigration 1 Introduction It is important for businesses and professionals to be versed in ethical issues because it helps with decision-making when faced with different situations that create a moral dilemma. Business and professional ethics help to develop a certain moral standard and expectation in the business world. The ethics in which a business or a professional operates within benefits both the giver and receiver. Engaging in the exchange of goods, services and information requires some level of trust in order to maintain civility. The thought that a person or a business is doing things that are unethical†¦show more content†¦Deportation will hurt a lot of businesses that rely on foreign labor for jobs that Americans won’t do. Counterpoint: There are American citizens with minimal skills that earn less money and have fewer job opportunities because they have to compete with immigrants in the job market. Legal citizens are required by law to adhere to the labor and wage laws. Having illegal immigrants in the work force only adds to an already-existing surplus of low-skilled workers. Having these jobs filled at such a low rate drives down wages and work conditions. Illegal Immigration 4 Point: Many illegal immigrants have kids who are U.S. citizens and deportation would tear these families apart. This would result in more single parent or no parent households. The psychological and financial hardship would force their U.S. citizen children into deportation with their family. These American children may have to start over in a country with an unfamiliar language, culture, and fewer resources. Counterpoint: That’s unfortunate, but not the United States problem. The act of breaking the law is not a coincidence, but a conscience choice with built in risk. There is a process to gain legal citizenship in place to help properly integrate immigrants into this country. The kids that are US citizens of illegal immigrants are burdened by the enormous responsibilities on having to help theirShow MoreRelatedIllegal Immigrants Should Be Deported1483 Words   |  6 Pageswill happen to illegal immigrants. But, beside the president should we keep the illegal immigrants and let them live in the US without fear of being deported or should we deport them back to their native countries such as Mexico and other hispanic areas. As research shows immigrants bring danger to the roads, they fill up prisons, and they suck off of American education. All of these will result in americans being affected negatively in some way. Illegal immigrants should be deported. 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