Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Should Illegal Immigrants Be Deported - 1811 Words

Illegal Immigration i Should Illegal Immigrants Be Deported? Philosophy 518 Dr. Davis June 25, 2012 Illegal Immigration 1 Introduction It is important for businesses and professionals to be versed in ethical issues because it helps with decision-making when faced with different situations that create a moral dilemma. Business and professional ethics help to develop a certain moral standard and expectation in the business world. The ethics in which a business or a professional operates within benefits both the giver and receiver. Engaging in the exchange of goods, services and information requires some level of trust in order to maintain civility. The thought that a person or a business is doing things that are unethical†¦show more content†¦Deportation will hurt a lot of businesses that rely on foreign labor for jobs that Americans won’t do. Counterpoint: There are American citizens with minimal skills that earn less money and have fewer job opportunities because they have to compete with immigrants in the job market. Legal citizens are required by law to adhere to the labor and wage laws. Having illegal immigrants in the work force only adds to an already-existing surplus of low-skilled workers. Having these jobs filled at such a low rate drives down wages and work conditions. Illegal Immigration 4 Point: Many illegal immigrants have kids who are U.S. citizens and deportation would tear these families apart. This would result in more single parent or no parent households. The psychological and financial hardship would force their U.S. citizen children into deportation with their family. These American children may have to start over in a country with an unfamiliar language, culture, and fewer resources. Counterpoint: That’s unfortunate, but not the United States problem. The act of breaking the law is not a coincidence, but a conscience choice with built in risk. There is a process to gain legal citizenship in place to help properly integrate immigrants into this country. The kids that are US citizens of illegal immigrants are burdened by the enormous responsibilities on having to help theirShow MoreRelatedIllegal Immigrants Should Be Deported1483 Words   |  6 Pageswill happen to illegal immigrants. But, beside the president should we keep the illegal immigrants and let them live in the US without fear of being deported or should we deport them back to their native countries such as Mexico and other hispanic areas. As research shows immigrants bring danger to the roads, they fill up prisons, and they suck off of American education. All of these will result in americans being affected negatively in some way. Illegal immigrants should be deported. FirstRead MoreShould the Illegal Immigrants in the U.S Be Deported?1092 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Immigrants create San Francisco† is common sense people around the world acknowledge to praise the contributions immigrants have made. America, as we all know, positioned as the most prosperous and humanistic country in the world, gives immigration a very crucial role due to its function forming the diverse culture of America. Every year, thousands of immigrants move to the United States, seeking superior living conditions such as employment, welfare and education. However, that movement inevitablyRead MoreIllegal Immigrants Should NOT be Deported Essay example916 Words   |  4 Pages Did you know that there is an estamated 3.1 million american children with at least one parent who is illigally in the united states? Illegal immigration has always been a problem in the U.S dating all the way back to 1875. In 1882 president Chester A. Aurthor was the first president to bann all chinese workers. Soon after, the criminals and the mentally ill were refused from theU.S. Immigration wasnt always a problem before this. In 1892 the first portal oft immigration opened up in EllisRead MoreIllegal Immigrants in the United States Essay1209 Words   |  5 PagesMany people in America have something against immigrants who come to this country looking for a better life and to escape from violence. â€Å"It is certainly not fair that undocumented immigrant workers do not pay taxes, and it is certainly unfair that they use public services without contributing to it† (Miller 55). 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Immigrants contribute deeply to many of the economic, social, and political processes that are foundational to the United States as a nation. Millions of immigrants are deported every year. The ethnicity of immigrants living in the United States come from all around. Mexico has the largest population of immigrants coming to America. â€Å"The number of unauthorized immigrants living in the United States is estimated to 11.2 million, the majorityRe ad MoreThe Family Left Behind By Elise Foley1325 Words   |  6 PagesHuffington Post article written by Elise Foley, in 2013 alone the United States deported 72,410 immigrants that claimed to have children that were born here (Foley). This situation that is common in a town where immigrants have settled. St. James Minnesota for example, has a very large immigrant population relative to the town’s size, and many St. James residents have friends and family members that have been deported. This has afforded many of the town’s residents the opportunity to witness the damagesRead MoreIllegal Immigration : Illegal Immigrants949 Words   |  4 PagesIllegal immigrants have been a hot topic lately due to the popularity of this topic amongst the Republican Presidential Nominees, especially Donald Trump. These illegal immigrants bring various things to this country when they come. Some things are positive, such as a family simply seeking to find a better life, while some thin gs are harmful to the United States, such as the amount of crime among illegal immigrants. In July 2015, the most recent estimate of illegal immigrants was 11.2 million. ThisRead MoreUndocumented Immigrants Should Be Legal949 Words   |  4 PagesAmerica is a nation of immigration but America also faces the problem of illegal immigration. In America the debate of whether undocumented immigrants should be able to get full amnesty is still a controversy. Even though illegal immigrants did make an illicit action, many see the United States as an opportunity for a better future. In addition, undocumented immigrants should be granted citizenship because it will benefit the United States. Creating an amnesty for the students will help the UnitedRead MorePersuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration906 Words   |  4 Pages Illegal immigrants have traveled to the USA to obtain better opportunities for themselves and their families. The idea of fleeing your home country to find a more suitable area to live in is what almost every immigrant has dreamt of. Most illegal immigrants have moved to America to find new opportunities which they have not had in their home countries. They move here because they know they have better chances of providing for their families. It is imprudent to claim who is an American citizen and

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Legalization And Practice Of Abortion Essay - 1636 Words

Ever since the Roe v. Wade decision legalized abortion in 1973, clashes between those who favor and oppose the practice have occurred frequently. The issue quickly became one of the hottest topics of discussion, as people sprinted to one side or the other. Politicians have debated for and in opposition of the action, and many voters decide who to cast their ballot for solely on which side of the issue the candidates prefer. Protests and rallies have brought out scores of people in both a peaceful and violent manner. People who support the legalization and practice of abortion are considered part of the pro-choice category, while those who oppose the law and practice belong to the pro-life group. The hashtag #UnplannedParenthood is a peaceful activism aligned with the pro-life movement who use this hashtag to urge mothers who are considering abortion to choose to keep their child or give their baby up for adoption, instead of killing their child through the practice of abortion. Membe rs of the movement look to meet the pro-choice party in the middle of the aisle by allowing the legalization and funding of abortion while clearly focusing on gently persuading mothers to choose a different alternative than abortion. As a whole, this activism movement does not look to defund Planned Parenthood, make abortions illegal, or condemn women for having an unwanted pregnancy and/or an abortion. Of course, some users who insert #UnplannedParenthood wish for the government to defundShow MoreRelatedThe Debate of Abortion Being Legal1170 Words   |  5 Pages The legalization of abortion has been a long debate since 1865 and is still being debated today. An abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy. Many people believe that abortions should not be legalized because it is essentially killing a human being. Others believe that it is the right of the woman to choose whether or not to have an abortion and say abortions should be legal. Since an abortion involves the terminat ion of a potential human life, it has been illegal through most of the U.S historyRead MoreAbortion Should Not Be Legal1274 Words   |  6 PagesMr. Cartusciello 12 March 2017 Abortion has been a hotly debated topic for years now. Abortion-rights advocates won a major victory in June when the Supreme Court struck down a Texas law requiring doctors to obtain permission to practice at hospitals near their offices and to have abortion clinics adhere to hospital building codes ( A landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court upon the issue of abortion was Roe v. The right of an abortion is to only the individual and notRead MoreMichael Schmittinger. Mr. Homan, P.3. America In History1512 Words   |  7 Pages Wade, around 38 million women have gotten away with murder (Williams 54). An abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often occurring in the first 28 weeks (Merriam). The Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade ruled that abortions performed in the first trimester are legal and abortions performed out of that time period were to be decided by the individual state (Blackmun). The history of abortions goes all the way back regardless of whether it was legal or not. Women would eitherRead MoreAbortions Have Not Affected the United States Population1090 Words   |  5 Pageslegalized abortion had an impact on population? Most would expect that an increase in the number of abortions would have an impact on the population. The reasoning being because women, who would not have terminated their pregnancies due to abortions being illegal, now had that option available to them. Although many think of abortion as a legacy from the 1960’s, abortions were as frequent on the eve of the Civil War as it is now (Olasky, 1992). There were roughly 160,000 abortions in 1860Read More Abortion Must be Illegal Essay1721 Words   |  7 Pagesare right. In my opinion, some of these reasons are the legalization of abortion vs. women who killed their infants after birth and contract laws; - people vs. insurance companies. These are laws that are worth changing in relation to Holmes’ philosophical ideas. The legalization of abortion contradicts normal sense like Holmes ideas. The Roe vs. Wade decision of 1973 legalizes abortion in the U.S. Since then, the U.S. statutes makes abortion related issues insignificant while all murder cases areRead MoreLimitations Of Women s Rights1082 Words   |  5 Pagesyears of age. Abortion has been legal in the United States since Roe V. Wade; a 1973 landmark decision held that the Fourteenth Amendment’s right to personal privacy covered the woman’s choice to carry a child or not. Republican Administrations such as those of Former Presidents’ Ronald Raegan and George W. Bush have been tough on abortion rights and sparked anti-abortion movements (Joffe 2013, 56). With a new Republican president in the White House and existing restrictions on abortions, it is importantRead MoreAbortion : Pro Life And Pro Choice983 Words   |  4 PagesAbortion has been a heated debate in the United States for decades. Since before the ruling on R oe v. Wade, it is clear that this is an issue that is far from ever being decided upon. Between those who are pro-life and those who are pro-choice, scholars from both sides work on disproving the morality of the other side. With the evolution of abortion laws and regulation through the decades, it is difficult to imagine the United States without conflict pertaining to abortion. Despite pro-life and pro-choiceRead MoreThe Issue Of Pregnancy Termination1215 Words   |  5 Pagesyears of age. Abortion has been legal in the United States since Roe v. Wade, a 1973 landmark decision held that the Fourteenth Amendment’s right of personal privacy covered the woman’s choice to carry a child or not. Republican Administrations such as those of Former Presidents’ Ronald Raegan and George W. Bush have been tough on abortion rights and sparked anti-abortion movements (Joffe 2013). With a new republican president in the White House and existing restrictions on abortions, it is importantRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legalized?1394 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Abortion has been a recurring issue in our society for over a century, responsible for countless marches, protests, and debates. Both sides display zealous passion for their belief. Since the well-known Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade, declaring that women can constitutionally decide for themselves whether or not to have an abortion, Pro-life activists across the country have have dedicated their lives to overturning this amendment (Roston 2008). Beginning in the late 1800s, asRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legalized?1490 Words   |  6 PagesOne of the most controversial debates nowadays is whether abortion should be legalized or not. Having used abortion procedures since 1550 BC, which had been accepted in ancient Rome and Greece without any critics regarding to morality, ethicality or religiosity. It has become a main point of public discussion and one of most banned acts in the last century. In the beginning of the 19th century, this technique was advertised as a legal practice in United States. However, in the early 20th an increase

Monday, December 9, 2019

KMart VS Sears free essay sample

On January 22, 2002, Kmart Corporation became the largest retailer in U. S. history to seek bankruptcy protection. Kmart management said that they would outline a plan for repaying Kmart’s creditors, reducing its size, and restructuring its business so that it could leave court protection as a viable competitor in discount mass-marketretailing. Emerging from bankruptcy in May 2003, Kmart still lacked a business strategy to succeed in an extremely competitive marketplace. Out of bankruptcy, Kmart became profitable primarily by closing or selling (to Sears and Home Depot) around 600 of its retail stores. Management had been unable to invigorate sales in its stores. Declared guilty of insider trading, Martha Stewart went to prison just before the 2004 Christmas season. In a surprise move, Edward Lampert, Kmart’s Chairman of the Board and a controlling shareholder of Kmart, initiated the acquisition of Sears by Kmart for $11 billion in November 2004. The new company was to be called Sears Holdings Corporation. Even though management predicted that the combined company’s costs could be reduced by $500 million annually within three years through supplier and administrative economies, analysts wondered how these two struggling firms could ever be successful. Sears Holdings Corporation is the leading home appliance retailer as well as a leader in tools, lawn and garden, consumer electronics and automotive repair and maintenance in United States. Its key brands includes Kenmore, Craftsman and DieHard, and a broad apparel offering, including such well-known labels as Lands End, Jaclyn Smith and Joe Boxer, as well as the Apostrophe and Covington brands. It also has the Country Living collection, which is offered by Sears and Kmart in 2011. It is the ninth largest retailer by annual revenue in the United States trailing behind Wal-Mart, The Home Depot, Costco, Target, CVS Caremark, Walgreens, Kroger, and Lowes in 2009. It is currently listed at number 48 in the Fortune 1000 companies list in 2011. It has a very strong retail network in United States and Canada. The company operates 3,900 retail locations under the mastheads of Sears, Sears Grand, Sears Essentials, Sears Hometown Stores, Sears Hardware, Kmart, Big Kmart, Super Kmart, The Great Indoors, Orchard Supply Hardware, and Lands End stores. The company has a very strong managerial capability that manages its wide range of retail outlets in USA and Canadian markets. Weaknesses After the merger of Kmart and the Sears, Roebuck and Co. , the Sears Holdings Corporation has faced consistent declines in its revenues. The first year after its merger, the income of Sears Holdings plunged 84% from $858 million in 2011. Eddie Lampert has held the title of chairman of Sears Holdings over time period of declines. The first quarter of 2011 did not appear any better, with the company posting a net loss of $170 million for the quarter ended April 30. Some industry analysts feel the heart of the problem is caused by Eddie Lamperts penny-pinching cost-savings by stifling investment into stores. Instead, the company has been buying back stock and increasing its presence online in 2011. This situation has increased the debt requirement threat for the company in order to meet its business operations requirements. Sears Holdings Corporation has its retail outlets mainly in US, Canada and Puerto Rico. There is a trend in the market that large number of organizations is directing their business operations to the emerging markets of China, India and Japan. These developing markets show great potential of growth and success to the companies operating in them. If Sears Holdings expands its business operations to these markets, then there is a strong likelihood of its success in these markets. There is a growing trend in the American markets for the retailing of health care related brands. Sears can think of entering into this segment to expand its branding and business portfolio. This can increase its market share to many folds. Moreover, there is a common practice among the other market players that they are engaged in the manufacturing, and marketing of private labels. Sears Holdings already has lot of private labels in the markets. All it has to do is to re position its brands in order to maximize their impact in the current markets. There are number of threats that can adversely affect the business of Sears Holdings Corporation. The biggest threat faced by Sears Holding Corporation is the competition among the local, national and international retail companies. The retail business is a cut throat competition. The market players have multitude of businesses across various states of US and around the globe. Moreover, many companies are merging and becoming large entities. The recent merger of K-Mart and Sears has allowed Sears Holdings Corporation to offer each other’s product lines in both stores reaching a larger consumer base. Another threat faced by all these market players is the recession faced by the US economy. Sear’s revenue growth will likely be affected. The housing market crisis combined with an increase in food and utility prices leaves consumers with less disposable income. Then the minimum wage rate set by the US government has increased the labor costs of the companies operated in the United States which has in turn increased their costs of doing business in the markets. Sears Holdings business has been and will continue to be affected by the worldwide economic conditions; a failure of the economy to sustain its recovery, a renewed decline in consumer-spending levels and other conditions, including inflation, could lead to reduced revenues and gross margins, and negatively impact its liquidity ratios. Many economic and other factors are outside of control, including consumer and commercial credit availability, consumer confidence and spending levels, inflation, employment levels, housing sales and remodels, consumer debt levels, fuel costs and other challenges currently affecting the global economy, the full impact of which on Sears Holdings business, results of operations and financial condition cannot be predicted with certainty. These economic conditions adversely affect the disposable income levels of, and the credit available to, customers, which could lead to reduced demand for merchandise. Their vendors are also affected, upon which it depends to provide with financing on the purchases of inventory and services in 2011. Sears Holdings compete with a wide variety of retailers, including other department stores, discounters, home improvement stores, consumer electronics dealers, auto service providers, specialty retailers, wholesale clubs, as well as many other retailers operating on a national, regional or local level. Online and catalog businesses, which handle similar lines of merchandise, also compete with Sears. Walmart, Target, Kohl’s, JC Penney, Macy’s, Home Depot, Lowe’s and Best Buy are some of the national retailers with which it competes. Home Depot and Lowe’s are major competitors in relation to the home appliance business, which accounted for approximately 16% of 2010 and 15% of 2009 and 2008 reported revenues. Sears Canada competes in Canada with Hudson’s Bay Company and certain U. S. -based competitors, including those mentioned above, that may be expanding into Canada. Success in these competitive marketplaces is based on factors such as price, product assortment and quality, service and convenience, including availability of retail-related services such as access to credit, product delivery, repair and installation. Additionally, Sears Holdings is influenced by a number of factors including, but not limited to, the cost of goods, consumer debt availability and buying patterns, economic conditions, customer preferences, inflation, currency exchange fluctuations, weather patterns, and catastrophic events in 2011. The threat of substitute products in case of Sears Holdings Corporation is high. There are various retailers in the market competing with each other. This makes the great degree of availability of alternative products to the buyers. They have significant amount of product choices and option available. The high rate of substitutes for products is then considered a threat for Sears Holdings Corp. But there are certain barriers to entry in the markets currently. This means that the threat of new competitors in the markets is low. The new entrants have to comply with the government regulations in order to enter the markets. There is trade restrictions imposed on various levels that discourages many new entrants to start their business set up. In retail industry, Sears Holding Corp. and its counter parts are protected by a number of barriers to entry, which makes it difficult for new business entrants to rise and compete. One of these barriers is the requirement of huge working capital to start the business operations in order to compete with the existing giants in the market. In order to acquire the right workforce, supplies and distribution channels, the starting company must have a high initial capital. This barrier to entry then prevents other firms to compete effectively with other global companies such as Sears Holdings Corp. Sears should have of had a better Functional strategy.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

To Act Or Not To Act Essay Example For Students

To Act Or Not To Act Essay In William Shakespeares tragic play Hamlet, the main character, Hamlet, struggles with procrastination throughout the play. As Samuel Taylor Coleridge said, No brilliant intellect can be considered valuable if one withdraws from action. It is this tragic flaw of inaction that eventually brings about Hamlets downfall. In the beginning of the play, Hamlet is given explicit instructions by the ghost to kill his uncle/step-father Claudius to avenge his fathers murder; yet, he fails to do so. Hamlets inaction and hesitation to kill Claudius is justified in his own mind and to the audience. Hamlets initial disbelief in the reliability of the ghosts claim, Hamlets belief in religion, and the fact that Hamlet is trained in thought rather than in action, all lead to Hamlets inaction, and ultimately, Hamlets downfall. The ongoing duel between Hamlets procrastination and his final action begins with Hamlets perception of the ghost. The ghost appears in form, as Horatio describes it, a figure li ke your father, armed at point exactly (1.2.209-210). When Hamlet first meets the ghost, he immediately calls the ghost by his fathers name and follows it to where the ghost beckons him. In response to the ghosts claim that the serpent that did sting thy fathers life now wears his crown, Hamlet answers, O my prophetic soul! (1.5.46-48), revealing that Hamlet has already contemplated this possibility. The ghost does little to persuade Hamlet of the cause of his fathers death because Hamlet is already convinced of his uncle/step-fathers guilt due to his great distrust and dislike for Claudius. Although at first, Hamlet reacts with anger, a thirst for vengeance, and grief, Hamlet becomes suspicious of the ghosts origin. He begins to wonder whether the ghost is a devil, an angel, or a sign of Hamlets own grief. Hamlet says the spirit that I have seen may be a devil, and the devil hath power tassume a pleasing shape; yea, and perhaps, out of my weakness and my melancholy, as he is very potent with such spirits, abuses me to damn me (2.2.627-632). Fearing deception, Hamlet has doubts, which initiate his inaction. His hesitation is somewhat resolved in the form of a play. In order to test the truth of the ghost, Hamlet devises a scheme to perform a play to catch the conscience of the King(2.2.634), by reenacting a scene similar to the events recounted by the ghost about King Hamlets murder, in order to prove Claudius guilt. Here, Hamlets inaction results not only from his distrust of his fathers apparition, but from his distrust of his own senses. Had Hamlet trusted his father in death as he had in life, Hamlets life would never have resulted in such a tragic end. We will write a custom essay on To Act Or Not To Act specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Once Hamlet is sure of Claudius guilt, it is Hamlets belief in his religion that leads him to inaction. In Hamlets mind, it is now his rightful duty to avenge his fathers murder. At the end of Act 3 Scene 3, Hamlet has a perfect opportunity to kill Claudius, when he sees the King kneeling in prayer. Hamlet enters the Kings private chapel with a sword in hand, ready to kill Claudius. As Hamlet enters he observes, now he is a-praying, and now Ill do t(3.3.77-78). But, Claudius is agonizing over his actions. He has committed murder, yet he prays for a heavenly pardon. O, my offence is rank, it smells to heaven; It hath the primal eldest curse upon t, a brothers murder(3.3.40-42). Claudius realizes that although he may have escaped judgment on earth, there is no escape for him in heaven, except for Gods forgiveness. Though he finds he is in no state to pray or repent, he calls on angels to help and kneels to pray, Art more engaged! Help, angels! Make assay. Bow, stubborn knees, and heart with strings of steel be soft as sinews of the newborn babe(3.3.73-75). The kings prayers delay Hamlet. Hamlet believes that if he killed Claudius then, after he had prayed for forgiveness, Claudius would be forgiven for his sins and have the opportunity to go to heaven. Hamlet therefore decides to wait for a moment When he is drunk asleep, or in his rage, or in th incestuous pleasure of his bed, at game a-swearing, or about some act that has no relish of salvation in t then trip him, that his heels may kick at heaven, and that his soul may be as damned and black as hell, whereto it goes (3.4. 94-100). Despite his original intentions, Hamlet does not carry out his scheme and, instead, delays the killing of the king. Hamlets belief in religion and his fear that Claudius might be sent to heaven force him to defer from his original intention. Had Hamlet acted without such beliefs he might have avoided much heartache as well as his own untimely death. .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55 , .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55 .postImageUrl , .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55 , .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55:hover , .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55:visited , .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55:active { border:0!important; } .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55:active , .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55 .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8135f3137071213978e043b9e7561c55:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: ------------------------------------ (1039 words) EssayHamlets delay of avenging his fathers murder is also due to his problem of introspection. Throughout the play, Hamlet is concerned about integrity and righteousness of his action, a concern the ghost recollects when he says to Hamlet, taint not thy mind (1.5.92). Hamlet realizes that few taints are more permanent than the murder of an innocent man. If Claudius is guilty, Hamlet wants to carry out his revenge properly. Hamlet has no desire to become a clone of Claudius, the cold-blooded murderer of a relative. All of this thought is what causes Hamlet to delay so much in the action that he promises to take. Hamlet leaps into the role of the avenger without thinking. He swears his allegiance without the introspection that later delays him from fulfilling his promise. However, towards the end of the play, Hamlets emotions are less passionate. Hamlets thoughts about his role begin to become less self-assured. The time is out of joint. O cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right!(1.5.210-211). Although he feels it is his duty, he is resentful of his apparent fate, and he sees his revenge as a problematic task. Hamlet is a man of philosophy rather than heroic action, he thinks deeply about his feelings and actions, which he sees as a fault, but at thirty years of age, Hamlet has been well educated throughout his life. With such an education, it would be impossible for Hamlet to undertake as serious an action as the assassination of a king without exploring all of his options and their contingencies. When Hamlet does act in haste, the result is the murder of Polonius. However, by analyzing ever y aspect of a possible action, Hamlet inevitably finds a reason not to act. The recurrent procrastination of serious acts lead to an even more complicated situation. Hamlet is overly conscious and unable to make a decision because of the uncertainty of the consequences that might follow. By constantly questioning every aspect of a possible action, Hamlet ultimately finds a reason not to act. By his inaction, others make Hamlets choice for him, ultimately choosing his death over their own. Hamlets downfall is due entirely to his inaction. Throughout the play, Hamlet questions his actions to the point that he is no longer able to act. Although Hamlets hesitation is understandable and even justified by his disbelief in the ghost of his father, his belief in religion, and his education, it still brings about his untimely demise. By over analyzing any possible action he might take, Hamlet often finds a reason impeding him from taking any significant action. Although Samuel Taylor Coleridge claims that Shakespeare wanted us to realize that action is the chief end of existence, Hamlet proves that inaction is truly the chief end of existence. However, because of his indecisiveness, Hamlet is real; one can identify with him. The uncertainty of his life provides no clear path, but rather a rocky and winding road. Many times there is no right answer. He must use his discrimination to choose the best possibility. Hamlet, unfortunately, lacks this innate ability to decide. Instead of deciding, he chooses to make no decision and instead is left with no choice but death. Bibliography:

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Power Corrupts Those Who Possess It (Animal Farm)

Power Corrupts Those Who Possess It Too much power corrupts those who possess it just as Joseph Stalin committed sins against Russia when he gained power, the main character, Napoleon, committed sins against Animal Farm. In the novel Napoleon was corrupted by his power. Napoleon abused and deceived others and finally became what he had rebelled against. Napoleon wronged the inhabitants of Animal Farm. Napoleon terrorized animals by killing many of them. He killed four pigs for communicating with Snowball and he killed three hens for confessing that Snowball came to them in their dreams. Napoleon also affected the animals by making decisions for them. When Napoleon decided that there was no longer a need to sing the Beasts of England, a favorite song, because the rebellion was over, he banned it. He also decided how much food each animal received. In addition, Napoleon changed the seven commandments to benefit him but not the other animals. The fourth commandment about an animal not sleeping in a bed was changed after the pigs started sleeping in beds to ‘no animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.’ When Napoleon drank alcohol he broke the fifth commandment, and so he changed it to ‘no animal shall drink in excess.’ All the animals of Animal Farm were wronged by Napoleon when he used his power to terrorize them, make decisions for them, and change their commandments. Another way Napoleon abused his power was by deceiving the other animals. He first deceived by false blaming when things went wrong. For example, when the windmill was ruined by a storm, Napoleon said Snowball had destroyed it because he was an enemy. The second time the windmill was attacked by humans was also blamed on Snowball because he supposedly helped them. Napoleon also deceived the animals by using Squealer to spread propaganda. One piece of propaganda arose when Napoleon decided... Free Essays on Power Corrupts Those Who Possess It (Animal Farm) Free Essays on Power Corrupts Those Who Possess It (Animal Farm) Power Corrupts Those Who Possess It Too much power corrupts those who possess it just as Joseph Stalin committed sins against Russia when he gained power, the main character, Napoleon, committed sins against Animal Farm. In the novel Napoleon was corrupted by his power. Napoleon abused and deceived others and finally became what he had rebelled against. Napoleon wronged the inhabitants of Animal Farm. Napoleon terrorized animals by killing many of them. He killed four pigs for communicating with Snowball and he killed three hens for confessing that Snowball came to them in their dreams. Napoleon also affected the animals by making decisions for them. When Napoleon decided that there was no longer a need to sing the Beasts of England, a favorite song, because the rebellion was over, he banned it. He also decided how much food each animal received. In addition, Napoleon changed the seven commandments to benefit him but not the other animals. The fourth commandment about an animal not sleeping in a bed was changed after the pigs started sleeping in beds to ‘no animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.’ When Napoleon drank alcohol he broke the fifth commandment, and so he changed it to ‘no animal shall drink in excess.’ All the animals of Animal Farm were wronged by Napoleon when he used his power to terrorize them, make decisions for them, and change their commandments. Another way Napoleon abused his power was by deceiving the other animals. He first deceived by false blaming when things went wrong. For example, when the windmill was ruined by a storm, Napoleon said Snowball had destroyed it because he was an enemy. The second time the windmill was attacked by humans was also blamed on Snowball because he supposedly helped them. Napoleon also deceived the animals by using Squealer to spread propaganda. One piece of propaganda arose when Napoleon decided...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

A Brief History of Adidas

A Brief History of Adidas Although urban legend has it that the word Adidas is an anagram of the phrase all day I dream about sports, the athletic wear company gets its name from its founder, Adolph Adi Dassler. He and his brother founded the company that would become a worldwide brand, but their history as members of the Nazi Party isnt as well known. Beginnings of Adidas Shoes In 1920, at the age of 20, avid soccer player  Adolph  (Adi)  Dassler, son of a cobbler,  invented spiked shoes for track and field. Four years later Adi and his brother Rudolph (Rudi) founded the German sports shoe company  Gebrà ¼der Dassler OHG- later known as  Adidas. T By 1925 the Dasslers were making leather  shoes  with nailed studs and track shoes with hand-forged spikes. Beginning with the 1928 Olympics in Amsterdam, Adis uniquely designed shoes began to gain a worldwide reputation.  Jesse Owens  was wearing a pair of Dasslers track shoes when he won four gold medals for the US  at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. At the time of his death in 1959, Dassler held over 700 patents related to sports shoes and other athletic equipment. In 1978, he was inducted into the American Sporting Goods Industry Hall of Fame as one of the founders of the modern sporting goods industry. The Dassler Brothers and World War II During the war, both Dassler brothers were members of the NSDAP (The National Socialist German Workers Party)  and eventually even produced a weapon called Panzerschreck an anti-tank bazooka, made with the help of forced labor. The Dasslers both joined the Nazi Party prior to the war, and Adi supplied shoes to the Hitler Youth movement, and to German athletes at the 1936 Olympics. Its also believed that Adi Dassler used Russian prisoners of war to help at his factory during the war since there was a labor shortage due to the war effort. The Dasslers had a falling out during the war; Rudolf believed Adi had identified him as a traitor to American forces. In 1948, Rudi founded what would later become Puma, a rival shoe company to Adidas. Adidas in the Modern Era In the 1970s, Adidas was the top athletic shoe brand sold in the US. Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier were both wearing Adidas boxing shoes in their Fight of the Century in 1971. Adidas was named the official supplier for the 1972 Munich Olympic Games. Although still a strong, well-known brand today, Adidas share of the world sports shoe market dropped over the years, and what began as a German family business is now a corporation (Adidas-Salomon AG) combined with the French global concern Salomon. In 2004 Adidas bought Valley Apparel Company, a U.S. company that held licenses for outfitting more than 140 U.S. college athletic teams. In 2005 Adidas announced that it was purchasing the American shoemaker Reebok, which allowed it to compete more directly with Nike in the U.S. But the Adidas world headquarters are still located in Adi Dasslers hometown of Herzogenaurach. They also have an ownership stake in German soccer club 1. FC Bayern Mà ¼nchen.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Context of professional practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Context of professional practice - Essay Example Hence, as a clinician, I usually ensure that I am up to date with advancing improvised legislation subject to all laws and guidelines laid down by my professional body. In UK, certain principles have been enshrined in good medical practices that ensure every health worker must follow regarding patient treatment. Notably, these legal principles bound me to numerous principles of care for my patients. Personally, I consider treating patients as a significant practice; nonetheless, I usually relate all the requirements as suggested by the General Medical Council in the UK. For instance, dignity and total respect for patients are my greatest importance in offering medical services. Clinicians are expected to provide care that meets the individual’s expectations despite that it very difficult when face with the need to make efficient use of the available resources. Therefore, it is upon me to put into consideration the public interests and practice within the specified legal bounda ries. According to the UK specifications, all treatments and care should take into account the individual needs and preferences of the patient. Moreover, patients are entitled to the best possible care irrespective of their age, ethnicity, sexuality, religious beliefs, color or politics. Thus, as medical practitioner it is my responsibility to provide total support for the patient regardless of their age, ethnicity, sexuality, religious beliefs, color or politics. On the other hand, as part of offering the best to our patients, there should be efforts in maintaining a good standard of clinical practice. Notably, medicine is changing rapidly. For this reason, we cannot maintain the good standards of clinical practice unless we keep our knowledge and skills updated. This has been made a fundamental requirement and is no longer an extra. In ensuring the best clinical practice, we must have an individual development plan. Therefore, we should allocate sufficient time to offer medical se rvices to patients in a strategized manner. Good clinical practice entails being conscientious and ensuring that enough time is devoted to providing safe and effective support and care (Hendrick et al., 2013; Pg. 25). Therefore, as an individual within the practice, I usually read medical book regarding my practice and all the entailed requirements. Confidentiality is also a vital element in offering medical services to patients both in the hospital and at home. This element is protected in the Hippocratic Oath. The legislation that governs the process of private information is contained in the data protection act. The act requires medical practitioners to respect and keep in secret all personal information regarding the patient. Moreover, the act requires that information concerning the patient’s sickness should only be disclosed upon the patient’s permission. All clinicians are subject to the confidentiality legislation. Notably, breach of confidentiality may have st rict consequences for the clinician/patient relationship as well as the clinician’s reputation. However, in some occasions, one’s obligations to the people’s safety and public good override the confidentiality duty to the patient. Nonetheless, as a clinician I may be forced to disclose patient’s information in case of a serious crime; however, I am obligated to keep such information confidential. Other occasions where the confidentiali

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Subsidized in the city Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Subsidized in the city - Essay Example Parents have pampered their children beyond imagination, they give their children credit cards which spoils them, they have the liberty to spend money on anything and everything that they like, entering adulthood in the real sense is no walk in the park, it comes with a lot of responsibilities which one must understand and fulfill, earning a substantial amount is extremely important, without that it is very difficult to survive in today’s world. The accommodation has become so expensive; the standard of living has gone up by manifolds and there are several other expenditures which one must take care of to be able to live a happy life. Above all there one should have self-respect, parents will always come to rescue their children but one must start drawing a line, becoming financially independent is extremely important these days, children should not only become financially independent but they should also help and support their parents in any which way plausible. Adults these days are not interested in changing their lifestyle, they are aware of the fact that they cannot refrain from going to posh places, shopping, watching movies so on and so forth, they should change their lifestyle and seek no help from their parents, an adult who is financially dependent has no respect and to earn respect one must refrain from spending excessively, parents who pay for their children after they become adults should completely stop helping them, they should try their best to make their children financially independent and they should also ensure that no money should be spent on their vices, adults have several vices these days, several adults are hooked on to drugs, alcohol and what not, parents must keep a strict check on all these vices which are more than capable of ruining one’s life. â€Å"There is something to be said for writing that rent check each month and knowing you've managed to live comfortably on your own terms. Racking up $500 shopping sprees on Mommy and Daddy's credit card may have its momentary allure, but the adult part of me believes that working for what you have is much more rewarding than being handed it on a silver platter. And I have my own mom and dad to thank for that.† (Subsidized in the City) Overspending is a major concern, adults should completely stop blowing up the hard-earned money of their parents on useless activities, they must keep a check on their spending only then will they become adults in the real sense otherwise they are just a bunch of over aged children who fail to understand what is expected of them. It is also important to understand the feelings of parents’, though they hardly say anything, deep down they know that they are spoiling the future of their children and making them overly dependent which is not good at all. Conclusion There is no counter argument possible on this topic, adults must manage their own expenses, they must also understand that their parents will not be around forever to keep helping them out, they must earn well and spend smartly, spending on useless things is hardly going to help them. It is high time for adults to realize their responsibility, they should be making their parents proud, and instead they are busy spending their hard-earned money. Spending money is perhaps the easiest job but earning it requires a lot of hard-work and dedication. The article is a well written; it comprehensively presents how

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Poetry and Worldly Wealth Essay Example for Free

Poetry and Worldly Wealth Essay Andrew Lang describes the truth about money and what it meant to people in the 1800s and 1900s. He uses repetition to clearly explain his ideas. Lang believes that money could either be good or it could be evil, I guess it all depends in how you use it and appreciate it. The people in this poem are priests, soldiers, captains etc. The main idea is about how some and most people only do things for money. The â€Å"Ballad of Worldly Wealth,† is a depiction of how money can bring pride and corruption into our society. The form of this poem is a ballad. A ballads contents include 3 stanzas, at least 8 lines in each stanza, and a refrain (a repeated phrase at the end point of a poem) a refrain in example of the Ballad of Worldly Wealth is â€Å"Youth, and health, and Paradise† The author used artificial imagery to characterize money as both a staple in society, and as the icon of the worlds power and corruption. There is several rhetoric patterns found in the poem. The rhyme pattern is an End rhyme. Poems with end rhyme are those whose last word of every line ends with a word that rhymes, for example: â€Å"While the tides shall ebb and (flow); Money maketh Evil (show)† Flow and show are two separate words, however both have rhyming sounds. Also displayed is parallel construction, a sentence, idea or clause that is presented with an opposing idea. In this statement, â€Å"Money moves the merchants all, While the tides shall ebb and flow; Money maketh Evil show, Like the Good, and Truth like lies† it can be seen that the opposition is of that money is what makes the world go round. However money also creates greed, and makes the people see the money as a good thing, when really its all a lie.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Pretentious Mothers in Williams’ The Glass Menagerie and Amy Tans’ Two

In the play The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams and the short story â€Å"Two Kinds† by Amy Tan, a theme of embattled control is established through the association with their children. William’s long-winded Amanda is an overpowering, delusional Southern belle mother. Dead set on finding her slightly handicapped daughter Laura a suitable husband, and dictating how her creative, yet bored, son Tom should conduct himself in life. Amanda, through her nagging and domineering instructions over everything each of her children do, from how they eat, to how they should live out their lives, pushes them into mental seclusion. The subsequent overbearing behavior by Amanda in due course drives Tom away leaving Laura in complete solitude with her mother. In a likewise manner, Tan depicts her character Suyuan as a very ambitious overconfident Chinese mother with visions of grandeur for her daughter Jing-Mei. Suyuan after being influenced by a television show decides th at Jing-Mei is to become a child prodigy. Through strict educational instructions, she drives Jing-Mei to a point of contentious revolt. The consequences of Suyuan’s authoritarian treatment to make Jing-Mei a star result in an outburst, after a talent show, causing a deep rift of silence between the two that lasts for twenty years. The parental domineering nature of Amanda in The Glass Menagerie and Suyuan in â€Å"Two Kinds† ultimately fail to force any lasting influential direction on their children, compelling them to follow entirely contradictory paths than the ones preferred by their mothers, forcing their children into rebellion. Nonetheless both mothers wield strong authority over their children, and the motives behind their dictatorial control are directly rela... ...ious physical and mental control over her daughter to become a child prodigy results in a belligerent resistance by Jing-mei. The confrontation between Suyuan and her daughter ultimately drives a rift between the two that lasts for many years. In summary Amanda and Laura would appear to have yielded similar disappointing results by their endeavors to control the destinies of the children. Works Cited Tan, Amy. "Two Kinds." Kirszner, Laurie G. and Stephen R. Mandell. Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing, Compact Seventh Edition. Ed. Karen Mauk. 7th. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Michael Rosenberg, 2009. 694-702. Williams, Tennessee. "The Glass Menagerie." Kirszner, Laurie G. and Stephen R. Mandell. Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing, Compact Seventh Edition. Ed. Karen Mauk. 7th. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Michael Rosenberg, 2009. 1628-1677. Pretentious Mothers in Williams’ The Glass Menagerie and Amy Tans’ Two In the play The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams and the short story â€Å"Two Kinds† by Amy Tan, a theme of embattled control is established through the association with their children. William’s long-winded Amanda is an overpowering, delusional Southern belle mother. Dead set on finding her slightly handicapped daughter Laura a suitable husband, and dictating how her creative, yet bored, son Tom should conduct himself in life. Amanda, through her nagging and domineering instructions over everything each of her children do, from how they eat, to how they should live out their lives, pushes them into mental seclusion. The subsequent overbearing behavior by Amanda in due course drives Tom away leaving Laura in complete solitude with her mother. In a likewise manner, Tan depicts her character Suyuan as a very ambitious overconfident Chinese mother with visions of grandeur for her daughter Jing-Mei. Suyuan after being influenced by a television show decides th at Jing-Mei is to become a child prodigy. Through strict educational instructions, she drives Jing-Mei to a point of contentious revolt. The consequences of Suyuan’s authoritarian treatment to make Jing-Mei a star result in an outburst, after a talent show, causing a deep rift of silence between the two that lasts for twenty years. The parental domineering nature of Amanda in The Glass Menagerie and Suyuan in â€Å"Two Kinds† ultimately fail to force any lasting influential direction on their children, compelling them to follow entirely contradictory paths than the ones preferred by their mothers, forcing their children into rebellion. Nonetheless both mothers wield strong authority over their children, and the motives behind their dictatorial control are directly rela... ...ious physical and mental control over her daughter to become a child prodigy results in a belligerent resistance by Jing-mei. The confrontation between Suyuan and her daughter ultimately drives a rift between the two that lasts for many years. In summary Amanda and Laura would appear to have yielded similar disappointing results by their endeavors to control the destinies of the children. Works Cited Tan, Amy. "Two Kinds." Kirszner, Laurie G. and Stephen R. Mandell. Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing, Compact Seventh Edition. Ed. Karen Mauk. 7th. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Michael Rosenberg, 2009. 694-702. Williams, Tennessee. "The Glass Menagerie." Kirszner, Laurie G. and Stephen R. Mandell. Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing, Compact Seventh Edition. Ed. Karen Mauk. 7th. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Michael Rosenberg, 2009. 1628-1677.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Mandating School Uniforms Essay

The controversy on school uniforms has continued from the early 1990’s and its worth was reiterated by President Bill Clinton in his State of the Union Address in 1996. In attending a school which incorporates the school uniforms parents need to know what school uniforms represent, the goal of the schools for their children, and what should be taught to their children. School uniforms create unity and pride. School uniforms are also encouraged as a means to help ensure students safety and assist them in achieving academic success. Although it is argued that  school uniforms is a breach of a student’s freewill for self- expression, all public schools should incorporate uniforms because it creates and symbolizes unity and pride, heightens discipline, but most importantly it is believed that the reinforcement of school uniforms decrease bullying, disciplinary actions ,and violence. School uniforms create unity with uniforms being the same across the whole campus. Teachers are able to identify students and separate them from outsiders or those who are on campus without permission. Parents also play a big role in educating students with what uniforms represent for them and the schools they attend. Students will become more confident in engaging with their peers and teachers because they will not feel any different but rather have a sense of belonging. Huss’s (2007) article â€Å"Do uniforms influence teacher expectations† reports that teachers perceived an elevation in the overall morale at the school after the implementation of the school uniform policy. School uniforms boost confidence in students and makes it easier to interact with one another without being self-conscious about the attire he and/or she has on. It is an acknowledgement of the schools they attend but most importantly who they represent as  individuals. Students with low socioeconomic statuses are unable to express themselves if they are unable to afford the new and latest trends which may cause them to feel out of place. Should Public Schools Reinforce Uniforms? 3 Would a parent ever want his and/or her child singled out because of clothing? Parents need to think about all students who are currently affected and not only for their own child’s sake or unnecessary want. Other students who wish for brand name clothing and cannot have them tend to shy away from others and eventually shy away from school. With school uniforms  implemented students will learn to appreciate themselves as students, and without distractions from clothes they will be able to see one another for who and what they represent which is the act of unity and the start of discipline. Anderson (2002) states that when students dress alike, a â€Å"team-like† culture develops, and this promotes school spirit and positive self-images. Uniform is in fact a representation of one, and students will grow to understand the value of wearing a uniform. Because all students look alike, differences are pushed aside thus allowing more time to focus on academics. School uniforms decrease disciplinary actions because students have more self-respect, respect for their peers and for their teachers. Some school personnel believe students and teachers tend to behave the way they are allowed to dress (Stephens, 1996). When school uniforms are present in schools the goal is to make a distinction between teachers and students. Teachers are given the authority to teach and students are given an undivided attention from teachers which will allow them to learn. An observation of a United Kingdom school conducted by Amy Walmsley (2011) stated with school uniforms implemented students are more likely to  respect peers and teachers because they are reminded that their job is to be a student. Students will attend school in uniforms and cannot differentiate with one another as they are able to identify themselves and their peers as students are all in school for one common goal which is to learn and exceed in academics. Teachers can lead by example and support the integration of school uniforms by wearing similar colors to school consequently reminding the students that Should Public Schools Reinforce Uniforms? 4 they are all on the same page. Parents and guardians can lend a hand in educating their children  as well to ensure students understand the importance of school uniforms in creating discipline overall school campus. With discipline comes more control in the schools and school uniforms can definitely be one influential cause. Studies conducted with regards to student discipline has shown that schools which have incorporated school uniforms have noted that students behaved better, paid more attention in class, and interacted in a respectful manner than before the implementation took place (Huss, 2007). As Angela Walmsley (2011) reiterates in her article, â€Å"teachers appreciate the fact that the  presence of school uniforms brings a sense of duty to the students and respect for the school and teachers. Uniforms should be used to create a positive school climate in which students focus on learning and bring back a little bit more respect for teachers and students in the classroom†. Teachers perceived improvement in academic and achievement motivation, an increased sense of responsibility by students acknowledging a more effective use of instructional time, and greater participation in classroom activities (Huss,2007). Why else would parents not want to implement  school uniforms in public schools? Students are being bullied, violated, and threatened for their designer or brand name clothing. Others with low socioeconomic statuses are constantly being harassed and ridiculed because they do not fit in a social group due to what they wear. The implementation of school uniforms can minimize the act of bullying in schools. Nowadays fashion trends and designer clothes are aimed to a younger generation, and students are going out of their way to flaunt (show off new clothes with attitude) them. While some students are fortunate enough to receive  these with parents who are able to afford them, others are not able to because their parents have much more important things to worry about with regards to how money is being spent in their Should Public Schools Reinforce Uniforms? 5 households. Students cannot learn to appreciate the effort of the school for the integration of school uniforms if parents continue to condone this type of behavior. Parents need to be mindful of all other reasons that may affect students while they are in school and their cry for freedom of expression. In an attempt to help stop bullying The Federal Government has created a Stop  Bullying website and brings to light a certain group of students who may be at risk of being bullied. Some of the children who may be at risk of being bullied if it has not occurred yet are perceived as different from their peers because of different clothing or not wearing what other students consider cool (â€Å"Stop Bullying, † n. d) . Students especially those who are females are known to degrade one another if the clothes worn are not of the latest style. An editor, Vanessa O’Connell of The Wall Street Journal writes and reports on fashion bullies from a public school which has yet to incorporate a school uniform. Students without the latest cool brands have become a target for bullying because they are wearing the wrong brands. It is stated that the number of fashion bullies (or those related to clothing) and incidents have increased over the years, therefore calling for assistance in reduction of these types of incidents. Susan M. Swearer, associate professor of school psychology at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, surveyed a total of more than 1,000 students at five Midwestern middle schools from 1999 to 2004, with about 56% of the sample female, and more than one-third of the students admits to being bullied  because of their clothing (O’Connell, 2007). Students should not have to worry about clothing but it is happening and it needs to stop with the reinforcement of school uniforms. Furthermore, the Bullying Statistics from 2013 has stated that 77% of students are being bullied on a regular basis, and half of the percentage is made up of students who are harassed and fear returning to school. The effects of bullying are low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and some suicidal thoughts. Bullying due to clothing occurs when students are being teased or Should Public Schools Reinforce Uniforms? 6 humiliated constantly for not having the latest designer clothes, or for having a different type of style in attire such as Goth wear or those of a low socioeconomic status. Name-calling, dirty stares, elimination from social groups are some of the actions defined as bullying which students are involved in at school. With the integration of school uniforms there should be no bullying in school with respect to the types of clothing the students should wear. Students will not be intimidated by one another because they choose to express themselves differently, therefore  permitting them to the freedom they need to learn and exceed in academics. The most important reason school uniforms should be incorporated is to help decrease violence. Violence in schools has been marked by health professionals as a threat to overall health and academic success of students (Stephens, 1996). In addition, programs which were implemented in schools to assist with violence have noted a possible connection between school violence and the type of clothing students wear (King, 1998). Most cases are due to the fashion trends which is most attractive by students such as brand name clothing or urban wear which are  over-sized and can be mistakenly identified as gang-related clothing. This type of wear is the made popular by famous hip hop artists and rappers whom students look to imitate and idolize. Students have had violent encounters in school because some individuals envy them because they cannot afford to purchase these types of clothing. Furthermore, gang members are usually differentiated from one another through the colors they wear and there have been instances where students from local schools are unintentionally harmed or gunned down due to the colors they choose to wear to express themselves in school. Other students who become victim to these occurrences are able to hide weapons in their large clothing which is potentially placing all students in harm’s way. Should Public Schools Reinforce Uniforms? 7 Violence in schools has been an ongoing issue over the last decades and King notes in his article Should School Uniforms be Mandated in Elementary School how violence has negatively influenced students and have caused one of every 10 to 12 youths to stay away from school does so because of fear (Stephens, 1997; Everett & Price,1995). Students fear for their lives because of the common occurrence of violence. They are no longer motivated to attend nor learn from school as they do not feel safe in school. These feelings eventually cause isolation and causes students to drop out of school. With the implementation of school uniforms, fights over looks and styles will discontinue hence giving faculty, staff, teachers, and parents more time to focus on academic success of students. In support of decreasing violence through incorporating school uniforms research studies have shown that there has been an intense decrease of violence and disciplinary problems for Kindergarten through Grade Eight in schools which have incorporated  uniforms (King, 1998). Requiring school uniforms is one of the simplest ways to start teaching students about unity and pride as they start school and grow into learning individuals. It is important for parents and teachers to support the decision to implement school uniforms and allow the students to adapt to the changes which are designed to provide them a safe and secure learning environment. The reinforcement of school uniforms will lead to changes that are not only beneficial to students but the teachers and the school as a whole. It will help the students understand the importance of  school uniforms and how they symbolize unity and pride. In addition it encourages students to learn to appreciate and respect themselves, their peers, and teachers and remove distractions from which eventually lead to bullying, fighting, or some form of disciplinary or violent behavior. With full support from parents, the students will be on their way to academic success. Should Public Schools Reinforce Uniforms? 8 Students can lead themselves to a fit and well-disciplined environment where they will be able to learn at their full capacity, and their teachers can teach at their maximum potential (King, 1998). References Everett SA, Price JH. Students’ perceptions of violence in the public schools: the MetLife survey. J Adol Health. 1995; 17:345-352. Huss, J. A. (2007) The role of school uniforms in creating an academically motivating climate: Do uniforms influence teacher expectations. Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research, 1, 31-39. Retrieved from: http://eds. b. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/ Should Public Schools Reinforce Uniforms? 9 Kling, K. A. (1997) Should School Uniforms be Mandated in Elementary Schools? Journal of School Health, 68 (1), 32-37. Retrieved from: http://eds. b. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/ O’Connell, V. (2007, October) Fashion Bullies Attack – In Middle School The Wall Street Journal Retrieved from: http://online. wsj. com/news/articles/SB119326834963770540 Portner J. Department to issue guidelines on school uniforms. Educ Week. 1996;15(24):27 (as cited in King, 1998, p. 32) Stephens RD. The art of safe school planning. Sch Admin. 1996;53(2): 14-21. (as cited in King, 1998, p. 32) The US Dept of Education. Manual on School Uniforms, online. Retrieved from: http://inet. ed. gov/updates/uniforms. html. Feb 29, 1996. The U. S Department of Health & Human Services Manual on Bullying, online Retrieved from: http://www. stopbullying. gov/at-risk/factors/#atrisk The White House Office of the Press Secretary. Memorandum for the Secretary of Education. Subject: Manual on School Uniforms, online. http://inet. ed. gov/PressReleases/02- 1996/whpr. 26. html. Feb 23, 1996. Walmsley, A. (2011) What the United Kingdom can teach the United States about school uniforms. Kappanmagazine. org. 92 (6), 63-66. Retrieved from: http://eds. b. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Why Do We Dream?

No one knows the true answer as to why we humans dream. Probably no one ever will truly know but there are many theories concerning this topic. One theory brought about by famed psychologist Sigmund Freud is that dreams are secret wish fulfillments of the dreamer. Another is the information-processing theory. A third theory is called the activation-synthesis theory. All three are valid theories that deserved to be looked at and discussed with a little more detail. Sigmund Freud was a psychologist in the late 1800s to the mid-1900s. Much of his work is now considered to be dated and even a bit absurd but it is still studied to this day. Perhaps his most famous contribution to the world of psychology, along with being the father of psychoanalysis, was his work on the interpretation and meaning of dreams. He wrote, and in 1900 published, the book â€Å"The Interpretation of Dreams†. He himself found his book to be very important and said â€Å"[It] contains†¦ the most valuable of all the discoveries it has been my good fortune to make. Insight such as this falls to one's lot but once in a lifetime† (Cherry). His theory is that dreams are repressed, secret, often sexual, desires in the unconscious mind of the dreamer. While dreaming, these secret fears and desires make themselves known. After listening to some dreams from patients of his, Freud said â€Å"What is common in all these dreams is obvious. They completely satisfy wishes excited during the day which remain unrealized. They are simply and undisguisedly realizations of wishes† (Freud). Another theory about why humans dream is called the Information-Processing Theory. It is also known as the Off-Line Theory.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Chem Lab essays

Chem Lab essays Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to analyze unknown solutions to see if it contained the ions Ag, Pb, Hg. Procedure: For each unknown solution we added 5 drops of cold 6M HCL. Mixed and centrifuged. We tested for complete precipitation by adding an additional drop of 6M HCL. We discarded the dct. and saved the ppt. We washed the ppt twice with 1 ml portions of cold .1M HCL. Discarded the washings both times. Saved the ppt. To the ppt. we added 1 ml of hot water, and placed tube in hot water bath, centrifuged and decant, saved the decant, repeated the hot water step again and saved the decant. To the decant we added 5 drops of the 1M K2CrO4. If the precipitate was yellow it showed the presence of lead. To the ppt. add 6M NH4OH. Mixed and centrifuged. Formation of grayish black ppt. confirms presence of mercury. Decant and save the dct. We put it on a clean wash glass and discard the ppt. To the decant we added 6M HNO3 until the solution was acidic by testing it with litmus paper we were able to determine that silver was or wasnt in the unknown. Data: #1 #2 Conclusions: This lab taught me how new lab techniques and how easy it is to test unknown solutions for specific ions. 1. In step 1 why was it important to save your ppt? It was necessary because it was needed in the steps that came after number one. 2. Why is Pb dangerous and what are some of the symptoms of lead poisoning? Lead is dangerous because if ingested it could cause lead poisoning and could be deadly, a few symptoms of it is vomiting, slow reflexes, and constipation 3. Describe how you use litmus paper to determine if a solution is acidic or basic? If you put a piece of litmus paper into the solution if it turns pink or stays pink you know its acidic, if it turns blue or stays blue you know it is basic. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Biography of Adolf Loos, Architect and Rebel

Biography of Adolf Loos, Architect and Rebel Adolf Loos (December 10, 1870–August 23, 1933) was a European architect who became more famous for his ideas and writings than for his buildings. He believed that reason should determine the way we build, and he opposed the decorative Art Nouveau movement, or, as it was known in Europe, Jugendstil. His notions about design influenced 20th-century modern architecture and its variations. Fast Facts: Adolf Loos Known For: Architect, critic of Art NouveauBorn: December 10, 1870, Brno, Czech RepublicParents: Adolf and Marie LoosDied: August 23, 1933, Kalksburg, AustriaEducation: Royal and Imperial State Technical College in Rechenberg, Bohemia, College of Technology in Dresden; Academy of Beaux Arts at ViennaFamous Writings: Ornament Crime; ArchitectureFamous Building: Looshaus (1910)  Spouse(s): Claire Beck (m. 1929–1931), Elsie Altmann (1919–1926) Carolina Obertimpfler (m. 1902–1905)Notable Quote: The evolution of culture is synonymous with the removal of ornamentation from objects of everyday use. Early Life Adolf Franz Karl Viktor Maria Loos was born December 10, 1870 in Brno (then Brà ¼nn), which is the South Moravian Region of what was then part of the Austria-Hungary Empire and is now the Czech Republic. He was one of four children born to Adolf and Marie Loos, but he was nine when his sculptor/stonemason father died. Although Loos refused to continue the family business, much to his mothers sorrow, he remained an admirer of the craftsmans design. He was not a good student, and it is said that by the age of 21 Loos was ravaged by syphilis- his mother disowned him by the time he was 23. Loos began studies at the Royal and Imperial State Technical College in Rechenberg, Bohemia and then spent a year in the military. He attended the College of Technology in Dresden for three years and the Academy of Beaux Arts in Vienna; but was a mediocre student and finished none of his degrees. Instead, he traveled, making his way to the United States, where he worked as a mason, a floor-layer, and a dishwasher. While in the U.S. to experience the Worlds Columbian Exposition of 1893, he became impressed by the efficiency of American architecture, and he came to admire the work of Louis Sullivan. American architect Louis Sullivan is most famous for being part of the Chicago School and for his influential 1896 essay that suggested form follows function.  In 1892, however, Sullivan wrote about the application of ornamentation on the new architecture of the day. I take it as self-evident that a building, quite devoid of ornament, may convey a noble and dignified sentiment by virtue of mass and proportion, Sullivan begins his essay Ornament in Architecture. He then makes the modest proposal to refrain entirely from the use of ornament for a period of years and concentrate acutely upon the production of buildings well formed and comely in the nude. The idea of organic naturalness, with a concentration on architectural mass and volume, influenced not only Sullivans protege, Frank Lloyd Wright, but also the young architect from Vienna, Adolf Loos. Professional Years In 1896, Loos returned to Vienna and worked for the Austrian architect Karl Mayreder. By 1898, Loos had opened his own practice in Vienna and became friends with free-thinkers such as philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, expressionist composer Arnold Schà ¶nberg, and satirist Karl Kraus. The intellectual community of Vienna at the time of the Belle Epoque was made up of many artists, painters and sculptors and architects, as well as political thinkers and psychologists including Sigmund Freud: all were seeking in some way to rewrite the way society and morality functioned. Like many of his colleagues in Vienna, Loos beliefs extended to all areas of life, including architecture. He argued that the buildings we design reflect our morality as a society. The new steel frame techniques of the Chicago School demanded a new aesthetic- were cast iron facades cheap imitations of past architectural ornamentation? Loos believed that what hung on that framework should be as modern as the framework itself. Loos started his own school of architecture. His students included Richard Neutra and R. M. Schindler, both becoming famous after emigrating to the West Coast of the United States. Personal Life While Loos architecture was explicitly clean in line and structure, his personal life was a shambles. In 1902, he married 19-year-old drama student Carolina Catharina Obertimpfler, a drama student. The marriage ended in 1905 in disaster amidst a public scandal: he and Lina were close friends of Theodor Beer, an accused child pornographer and Loos tampered with the evidence, removing pornographic evidence from Beers apartment. In 1919, he married 20-year-old dancer and operetta star Elsie Altmann; they divorced in 1926. In 1928 he faced a pedophilia scandal–he was accused of having his young, poor models (aged 8–10) perform sex acts, and the main evidence against him was a collection of over 2,300 pornographic images of young girls. Elsie believed they were the same images removed from Theodor Beers apartment in 1905. Loos last marriage was at the age of 60 and his wife was 24-year-old Claire Beck, which also ended in divorce two years later. Loos was also quite ill through much of his creative life: he slowly became deaf as a result of the syphilis he contracted in his early twenties, and he was diagnosed with cancer in 1918 and lost his stomach, appendix and part of his intestines. He was exhibiting signs of dementia during his 1928 court case, and he had a stroke a few months before his death.   Architectural Style Loos-designed homes featured straight lines, clear and uncomplicated walls and windows, and clean curves. His architecture became physical manifestations of his theories, especially raumplan (plan of volumes), a system of contiguous, merging spaces. He designed exteriors without ornamentation, but interiors were rich in functionality and volume. Each room might be on a different level, with floors and ceilings set at different heights. Loos architecture was in stark contrast with the architecture of his Austrian contemporary, Otto Wagner. Representative buildings designed by Loos include many houses in Vienna, Austria - notably the Steiner House, (1910),  Haus Strasser (1918),  Horner House (1921),  Rufer House (1922), and the Moller House (1928).  However, Villa  Mà ¼ller (1930) in Prague, Czechoslovakia is one of his most studied designs, for its seemingly simple exterior and complex interior. Other designs outside Vienna include a house in Paris, France for the Dada artist Tristan Tzara (1926) and the  Khuner Villa (1929) in  Kreuzberg, Austria.   Loos was one of the first modern architects to use mirrors to expand interior spaces. The interior entry to the 1910 Goldman Salatsch Building, often called the Looshaus, is made into a surreal, endless foyer with two opposing mirrors. The construction of Looshaus created quite a scandal for pushing Vienna into modernity. Famous Quotes: Ornament and Crime Adolf Loos is best-known for his 1908 essay Ornament and Verbrechen, translated as Ornament Crime. This and other essays by Loos describe the suppression of decoration as necessary for modern culture to exist and evolve beyond past cultures. Ornamentation, even body art like tattoos, is best left for primitive people, like the natives of Papua.  The modern man who tattoos himself is either a criminal or a degenerate, Loos writes. There are prisons in which eighty per cent of the inmates show tattoos. The tattooed who are not in prison are latent criminals or degenerate aristocrats. The urge to ornament ones face and everything within reach is the start of plastic art. Ornament does not heighten my joy in life or the joy in life of any cultivated person. If I want to eat a piece of gingerbread I choose one that is quite smooth and not a piece representing a heart or a baby or a rider, which is covered all over with ornaments. The man of the fifteenth century wont understand me. But all modern people will. Freedom from ornament is a sign of spiritual strength. Death Nearly deaf from syphilis and cancer by age 62, Adolf Loos died in Kalksburg near Vienna, Austria on August 23, 1933. His self-designed gravestone in Central Cemetery (Zentralfriedhof) in Vienna is a simple block of stone with only his name engraved- no ornamentation. Legacy Adolf Loos extended his architectural theories in his 1910 essay Architektur, translated as Architecture. Decrying that architecture had become a graphic art, Loos argues that a well-made building cannot be honestly represented on paper, that plans do not appreciate the beauty of bare stone, and that only the architecture of monuments should be classified as art- other architecture, everything that serves some practical purpose, should be ejected from the realm of art. Loos wrote that modern dress is that which draws least attention to itself, which is Loos legacy to modernism. This idea that anything beyond the functional should be omitted was a modern idea worldwide. The same year Loos first published his essay on ornamentation, the French artist Henri Matisse (1869–1954) issued a similar proclamation about the composition of a painting. In the 1908 statement Notes of a Painter, Matisse wrote that everything not useful in a painting is harmful. Although Loos has been dead for decades, his theories about architectural complexity are often studied today, especially to begin a discussion about ornamentation. In a high-tech, computerized world where anything is possible, the modern student of architecture must be reminded that just because you are able do something, should you? Sources Andrews, Brian. Ornament and Materiality in the Work of Adolf Loos. Material Making: The Process of Precedent, 2010. Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, p. 438Colomina, Beatriz. Sex, Lies and Decoration: Adolf Loos and Gustav Klimt. Thresholds.37 (2010): 70–81. PrintLoos, Adolf. Architecture. 1910. Loos, Adolf. Ornament and Crime. 1908. Rukschcio, Burkhardt, Schachel, Roland L. (Roland Leopold), 1939- and Graphische Sammlung Albertina Adolf Loos, Leben und Werk. Residenz Verlag, Salzburg, 1982.Schwartz, Frederic J. Architecture and Crime: Adolf Loos and the Culture of the Case. The Art Bulletin 94.3 (2012): 437-57. Print.Sullivan, Louis. Ornament in Architecture. The Engineering Magazine, 1892, Svendsen, Christina. Hiding in Plain Sight: Problems of Modernist Self-Representation in the Encounter between Adolf Loos and Josephine Baker. Mosaic: An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal 46.2 (2013): 19–37. Print.Tournikiotis,  Panayotis. Adolf Loos. Princeton Architectural Press, 2002

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Prpperties of an element Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Prpperties of an element - Essay Example On the Word file, the links (hyperlinks) to your references must be hot! 4) Neatly typed narrative description (500 words minimum, i.e., about one page minimum) of the uses, importance, biological significance (if any) historical information, and any additional interesting information for the element. This should be written in paragraph format with proper grammar and spelling. Outlines or lists will not be given credit. Information must be properly cited (see #5). Plagiarism will result in a zero grade for this project with no chance to earn the lost points through other means. Your in-text citation to a printed source should hyperlink to the reference in your bibliography. Your in-text citation to an online source should also hyperlink to the reference in your bibliography. However, the hyperlinks from each of your references should be to the specific webpage(s) where you obtained the

Thursday, October 31, 2019

HR in Service Industry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

HR in Service Industry - Assignment Example The human resource department is held accountable for making sure that the job of administration in the company is performed in a manner that is relevant and that the operations of the company are in line with the law that governs the running of the business in the country of base. This will ensure that the company does not run in to trouble with the authorities over illegal running of the business and that they are not hiring employees in a way that does not relate with the law. The human resource department in the organization gives provision for incentives like promotions to employees by evaluating their work, it ensures the safety of the employees and the procedure that information in the company flows is guarded and follows certain guidelines, the human resource department caters for employees who are on vacation or who are sick, the department ensures that they are replaced for the time being and that their work is done properly (Goeldner, 2009 p89). This kind of human resource management is a highly active method of managing people in an organization. It needs the human resource managers to be able to think ahead of all employees and other personnel in the company. The managers in this unit are needed to be able to do better planning and come up with methods to grow the organization, to be able to design methods to satisfy the needs of the employees to ensure that they are able to work well without second thoughts about working in the organization. The human resource managers also ensure that the employees of the company are able to discharge their duties properly by being able to hire people who know how to discharge their duties and being able to train the employees so that they will discharge the duties of the organization properly. The strategy that the human resource managers will use in ensuring the employees add value to the organization will determine how business is carried out in the organization. This will also affect the value of the organiza tion. All the organizations that manage to meet the requirements and the needs of their employees are able to cultivate an atmosphere in the work site that will result in to exceptionally enjoyable productivity. The human resource department is the best place to start ensuring that the needs of the employees are well catered for. By being able to incorporate strategies that will result in to better productivity in the company the company will have to invest well in its dealings and all that work that it is required to do to make sure that the needs of the employees are satisfied. The company should come up with methods of ensuring that they are able to retain all the skilled employees and be able to train other skilled employees to ensure that they are capable of helping the company to be profitable. By doing this, the hotel will be able to retain several of its employees; this will in turn make sure that the company will not spend more money on hiring of and training the new employ ees to the level of performing. When the human resource department starts to plan, they have to consider on what the employees need are and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

MICROECONOMICS presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MICROECONOMICS presentation - Essay Example Barriers to Entry. The airline industry operates in a highly dynamic environment and is affected not only by the legal, technological and economic environment but also by the global environment. Government restrictions and high degree of competition act as entry barriers in the airline industry. However the biggest entry barrier is the gargantuan cost involved in setting up and running the business. The acquisition of aircrafts, implementation of adequate security measures, deployment of skilled manpower and rendering the desired level of customer service entail huge financial resources. The high cost of entry however does not deter organizations with sound business models and adequate financial resources to enter the business. The Australian domestic airline industry, after its deregulation in 1990, has seen the entry of many players each catering to different customer segments. There have been firms that have flourished (Virgin Australian Airlines) and there have been firms that ha ve perished (Ansett Australia). Competitive strategies. In addition to the general business environment, companies are also affected by the competitive strategies adopted by rival firms. ... An example of the differentiation could be an airline (Qantas) which provides ‘bells and whistles’ in its service and charges a high price. Likewise, there could be another airline (Tiger Airways) with a ‘no frills’ service. It is important to note here that these two airlines are targeting distinct customer segments. As such, the high price charged by the airline offering value added services (e.g. in-flight entertainment, free wine) in addition to the core service of transportation does not induce the other airline, which offers ‘trimmed down’ services, to increase the price. Game Theory. There may be instances where more than one firm is competing for the same target market; for e.g. two airlines (Jetstar and Tiger Airways) trying to capture the price-sensitive customer. The competitive strategies employed by one firm and reactions thereof by the other firm are best understood with the help of the game theory. In the world of business game th eory finds applications in research and development expenditure, pricing, new product introduction, strikes, negotiations etc. A manager’s decision in each of these settings depends on the decisions that other players in the industry will take. As such, the payoffs in these setting can said to be interdependent. In the discussion about the airline industry, one may fathom three different outcomes; co-operative game, non co-operative game and a situation of no interdependence. The airline may get together and form a cartel (cooperative game) and operate as if they were a monopoly. In such a case the dominant strategy of each firm would be high price and neither would be compelled to reduce the price because of the implicit co-operation. This is the most logical game when the industry

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Aristotles Politics Analysis

Aristotles Politics Analysis The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) was one of the most important Western philosophers in ancient times. He contributed to nearly every aspect of human knowledge and society, especially in the field of politics. Aristotle even wrote an entire book called Politics. I found the full English-translated version of Aristotles Politics through Fordham Universitys The Ancient History Sourcebook in the Greek subgenre of Philosophy ( Politics is a comprehensive examination of the origins and structure of Greek society. Like the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt, Aristotles perspective on politics is deeply-rooted in the city-state, or polis as the Greeks call it. In a polis, all citizens in a Greek city-state hold a functioning role in government. Young citizens would serve in the military, middle-aged citizens would govern, and older citizens took care of religious affairs. Newsome High Schools English Department adds on stating that Since citizenship involves an active role in running the state, a citizen identifies strongly with the city-state to which he belongs, to the point that the Greeks consider exile to be a fate worse than death. Aristotles Politics as well as many other works from ancient Greece were shaped by its cultural and temporal contexts. Religion was present in all areas of ancient Greek life, especially in politics. With religion came stories and myths used to clarify the origins of the world, gods that represented each tangible or intangible aspect of life, and temples which saturated the Greek municipal landscape. These aspects of ancient Greek life allowed for Greek government and society to function and thrive. Aristotle critically analyzes the political infrastructure of ancient Greece in Books IV-VI. Accordingly, a strong middle class prevents corruption and oppression. He goes on to say though it is not necessary to give everyone equal access to public office, it is never wise to exclude entirely any group from power. Aristotle recommends education and inclusiveness in order to preserve a constitution. Aristotle acknowledged that there were three kinds of government, each consisting of two extremes: good and bad or just and unjust, depending on how the ruler leads. When only one person is given the power to rule, the government is considered as a monarchy if the ruler is good or just and a tyranny if the ruler is bad. When a small group of elitists rule, the government is an aristocracy if the rulers are good and an oligarchy if the rulers are bad. When all of the citizens that reside within the city-state rule, a constitution is a polity if they rule well and a democracy if they rule po orly. In general, Politics states that a government is good or just when it benefits all of the citizens residing within the city-state and unjust when it benefits only those in power, whether singular or several. Aristotle also acknowledged that there were three branches of civic government. The first branch of civic government was known as the deliberative. The deliberative branch makes the major political decisions of the city-state. The second branch of civic government was known as the executive branch. The executive branch handles the everyday tasks of the city-state. The third and final branch of civic government was known as the judicial branch. The judicial branch oversees the legal affairs of the city-state. Books VII and VIII refer back to the initial question of how the ideal city-state would appear to be. Surely, such a city would be large enough for self-sufficiency but would also be small enough to ensure fellow feeling. Aristotle notes that a successful city-state should be located by the water to allow for easy sea commerce, which was the easiest and fastest channel of transport that was available back then. Education ensures the well-being of the city-state, which is why Aristotle states his preference of a public program of education as opposed to something like private tutoring. His recommended curriculum consisted of a variety of learning subjects including reading and writing, physical education, music, and drawing. This system of education helped citizens make the most of both work and play, as well as allow the amount of leisure time in which to pursue the good life. Bibliography

Friday, October 25, 2019

Prison Studies Considered Essay -- Essays Papers

Prison Studies Considered In "Prison Studies" Malcolm X briefly details how, during his incarceration, he embarked on a process of self-education that forever changed him and the course of his life. Malcolm writes of his determination to learn to read and write, born out of his envy and emulation of Bimbi, a fellow prisoner. His innate curiosity, sense of pride, and ambition to learn and be someone of substance motivated him to study relentlessly. As he learned more about the world he developed a great thirst for knowledge that left him with a lifelong desire that only his continued studies could satisfy. He believed that prison offered him the best possible situation in which to educate himself. This idea of Malcolm's, that prison was the best situation in which to educate himself bears some examination. He dismisses the idea of going to college as being inferior to the education he received in prison. He speculates that college is perhaps filled with too many distractions (both ideas are found in the last paragraph of his essay, 19). While Malcolm states his argument in a way that is simple, direct and compelling, it is not an argument that is appropriate for every potential student. One would do well to consider Malcolm X's particular circumstances and his intended audience. As far as his education in prison being superior to one he would receive in college, one should consider why he would think in this way. It is obvious that his education would have put him at about the junior high school level. For a man of his age and race and resources, at the time in which he lived, there were probably very few options available for remedial education. It is remarkable and admirable that Malcolm was invested with the intelligenc... ... distractions. There are, however, a number of disadvantages to prison studies beside the obvious threats to life and limb. The requirements of colleges are intended for a greater purpose than to extract the maximum amount of time and money from the hapless student. The requirements of higher education are intended to provide a wide-ranging and well-balanced view of the world and our place in it. A complete education is intended to provide us with the tools to understand and interpret what we study. A balanced education teaches us the hard-learned lessons of history, the logical methodology of mathematics and philosophy, the transcendent vision of the poet and the artists and the skeptical review of the scientist. While I have great respect, admiration and even affection for Malcolm X, I suspect that even this great man would have benefited from a formal education.