Wednesday, February 19, 2020

'In the present era of globalisation, control over the movement of Essay

'In the present era of globalisation, control over the movement of people has become the last bastion of sovereignty. Nowhere - Essay Example In this third wave of globalization and post modernism where international migration is restricted against all its cultural and political norms. This expulsion of human mobility from the globalization definition leaves it as a narrow concept of expansion where it’s ethical, economic and political existence comes in conflict with sustainability. Besides all aspects of globalization, this barrier to international human mobility also comes under violation of international law where freedom to move freely is under attack. This asymmetrical nature of globalization defines the exploitation of this term being used for interests of certain groups which have been promoting free exchange of goods by liberalizing economies and diminishing barriers to free mobility of goods yet are keen to impose restrictions on migration. Barriers can be justified by the number of migrations, in all past era migration figures were way smaller than the total population but the first wave of globalization registered the massive migration of around 3%. ... It resembles the inconsistency and incompatibility of such asymmetric policies which at one hand support growth of liberalization while on the other hand attempt to contain it. This irregularity in policies has led to many international crimes against humanities of which the most prominent in this regard is the human trafficking (POOLEY & WHYTE, 1991). This evolving humanitarian crisis and inconsistent policies demand great attention and oversight for governance and policy making which ensures human rights of migration and also maintains the ethical, political and economic values of globalization. Human migration has always been the same as people move from developing countries to developed countries whereas in the first wave of globalization, Asia, Latin America, South Asia, Africa, Caribbean and Baltic states have been the major outsourcer of labours to America, Europe, Middle East, Australia and Japan etc. (TALANI, 2010). The figures for human trafficking stands around one out of every tenth migrant who cross borders with no permission and papers. Migration statistics sufficiently proves the argument that immense migration has resulted an unprecedented growth of population to the recipient countries which now has become a threat to the sovereignty of these states particularly to their security and in general to their domestic culture, values, norms and religion. Critical analysis require information from both sides, no doubt international migration has been enormous to the developed world but there is no evidence that they have spoiled the growth of recipient country so, the ultimate result is still to be revealed. In case of Europe where domestic population if greying; in case of America baby boomers have reached to their retirement; it can be said

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Teaching Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Teaching Plan - Essay Example Therefore, here learning will occur through teaching by word of mouth and will be supplemented by power-point slides that will have several pictures (Mayer, 2002). Goal: Healthy People 2020 (HP2020) objective(s) utilized as the goal for the teaching. Include the appropriate objective number and rationale for using the selected HP2020 objective (use at least one objective from one of the 24 focus areas). The rationale for choosing this objective is that it targets adults especially those over 65 years of age. AF mostly affects this age group. Therefore, the objective will serve this teaching appropriately. The above HP2020 Objective relates to Alma Ata’s Health for All Global initiatives in that Alma Ata calls for the protection and promotion of all people around the world. This objective does so by targeting adults who are a risk age group in terms of their exposure to health related risks. Example – Interactive poster presentation of the Food Pyramid. After an explanation of the poster and each food category, allow students to place pictures of foods on the correct spot on the pyramid. Also, have the class analyze what a child had for lunch by putting names of foods on the poster and discussing what food group still needs to be eaten throughout day. I will evaluate my teaching plan right from the beginning of the lesson. This will be done through questions and an the topic from the beginning of the lesson, as the lesson progresses and at the end of