Sunday, January 26, 2020
Military Career Of Pericles
Military Career Of Pericles Pericles was born into the first generation able to use the new weapon of the popular vote against the old power of family politics. His father, Xanthippus, a typical member of this generation, almost certainly of an old family, began his political career by a dynastic marriage into the controversial family of the Alcmaeonids. His Alcmaeonid mother, Agariste, provided him with relationships of sharply diminishing political value and her family curse, a religious defilement that was occasionally used against him by his enemies. His familys nobility and wealth allowed him to fully pursue his inclination toward education. He learned music from the masters of the time (Damon or Pythocleides could have been his teacher) and he was considered to have been the first politician to attribute great importance to philosophy. Pericles manner of thought and rhetorical charisma may have been in part products of Anaxagoras emphasis on emotional calm in the face of trouble and skepticism about divine phenomena. His proverbial calmness and self-control are also regarded as products of Anaxagoras influence. Before his death, Pericles friends were concentrated around his bed, enumerating his virtues during peace and underscoring his nine war trophies. Pericles lived during the first two and a half years of the Peloponnesian War and, his death was a disaster for Athens, since his successors were inferior to him; they preferred to incite all the bad habits of the rabble and followed an unstable policy, endeavoring to be popular rather than useful. Military career of Pericles Military achievement For more than 20 years Pericles led many expeditions, mainly naval ones. Being always cautious, he never undertook of his own accord a battle involving much uncertainty and peril and he did not accede to the vain impulses of the citizens. Pericles also tried to minimize the advantages of Sparta by rebuilding the walls of Athens. The strategy of rebuilding the walls radically altered the use of force in Greek international relations. During the Peloponnesian War, Pericles initiated a defensive grand strategy whose aim was the exhaustion of the enemy and the preservation of the status quo. The two basic principles of the Periclean Grand Strategy were the rejection of appeasement (in accordance with which he urged the Athenians not to revoke the Megarian Decree) and the avoidance of overextension. Pericles vehement insistence that there should be no diversionary expeditions may well have resulted from the bitter memory of the Egyptian campaign, which he had allegedly supported. The Athe nians remained true to the larger Periclean strategy of seeking to preserve, not expand, the empire, and did not depart from it until the Sicilian Expedition. Critics of Pericles strategy, however, have been just as numerous as its supporters. A common criticism is that Pericles was always a better politician and orator than strategist. Pericles had not worked out a clear strategy for an effective offensive action that could possible force Thebes or Sparta to stop the war. The Periclean strategy on four counts: first that by rejecting minor concessions it brought about war; second, that it was unforeseen by the enemy and hence lacked credibility; third, that it was too feeble to exploit any opportunities; and fourth, that it depended on Pericles for its execution and thus was bound to be abandoned after his death. Pericles expenditure on his military strategy in the Peloponnesian War to be about 2,000 talents annually, and based on this figure concludes that he would only have enoug h money to keep the war going for three years. The strategy was too defensive and would not succeed. The Athenians lost the war only when they dramatically reversed the Periclean grand strategy that explicitly disdained further conquests. The Periclean strategy was not innovative, but could lead to stagnancy in favor of Athens. Peloponnesian war Pericles and the Athenians incited the war, scrambling to implement their belligerent tactics with a sort of arrogance and a love of strife. The reason for the war was Spartas fear of Athenian power and growth. Prelude to the war Pericles was convinced that the war against Sparta, which could not conceal its envy of Athens pre-eminence, was inevitable if not to be welcomed. Therefore he did not hesitate to send troops to Corcyra to reinforce the Corcyraean fleet, which was fighting against Corinth. In 433 BC the enemy fleets confronted each other at the Battle of Sybota and a year later the Athenians fought Corinthian colonists at the Battle of Potidaea; these two events contributed greatly to Corinths lasting hatred of Athens. The Athenians justification was that the Megarians had cultivated the sacred land consecrated to Demeter and had given refuge to runaway slaves, a behavior which the Athenians considered to be impious. Pericles advised the Athenians not to yield to their opponents demands, since they were militarily stronger. Pericles was not prepared to make unilateral concessions. Consequently, Pericles asked the Spartans to offer a quid pro quo. In exchange for retracting the Megarian Decree, the At henians demanded from Sparta to abandon their practice of periodic expulsion of foreigners from their territory (xenelasia) and to recognize the autonomy of its allied cities, a request implying that Spartas hegemony was also ruthless. Another consideration that may well have influenced Pericles stance was the concern that revolts in the empire might spread if Athens showed herself weak. First year of the war This deputation was not allowed to enter Athens, as Pericles had already passed a resolution according to which no Spartan deputation would be welcomed if the Spartans had previously initiated any hostile military actions. The Spartan army was at this time gathered at Corinth, and, citing this as a hostile action, the Athenians refused to admit their emissaries. Pericles also gave his compatriots some advice on their present affairs and reassured them that, if the enemy did not plunder his farms, he would offer his property to the city. In any case, seeing the pillage of their farms, the Athenians were outraged, and they soon began to indirectly express their discontent towards their leader, who many of them considered to have drawn them into the war. Even when in the face of mounting pressure, Pericles did not give in to the demands for immediate action against the enemy or revise his initial strategy. He also avoided convening the ecclesia, fearing that the populace, outraged by th e unopposed ravaging of their farms, might rashly decide to challenge the vaunted Spartan army in the field. While the Spartan army remained in Attica, Pericles sent a fleet of 100 ships to loot the coasts of the Peloponnese and charged the cavalry to guard the ravaged farms close to the walls of the city. When the enemy retired and the pillaging came to an end, Pericles proposed a decree according to which the authorities of the city should put aside 1,000 talents and 100 ships, in case Athens was attacked by naval forces. Last military operations In 430 BC, the army of Sparta looted Attica for a second time, but Pericles was not daunted and refused to revise his initial strategy. Unwilling to engage the Spartan army in battle, he again led a naval expedition to plunder the coasts of the Peloponnese, this time taking 100 Athenian ships with him. According to Plutarch, just before the sailing of the ships an eclipse of the sun frightened the crews, but Pericles used the astronomical knowledge he had acquired from Anaxagoras to calm them. In the summer of the same year an epidemic broke out and devastated the Athenians. The exact identity of the disease is uncertain, and has been the source of much debate. In any case, the citys plight, caused by the epidemic, triggered a new wave of public uproar, and Pericles was forced to defend himself in an emotional final speech. This is considered to be a monumental oration, revealing Pericles virtues but also his bitterness towards his compatriots ingratitude. Temporarily, he managed to tame the peoples resentment and to ride out the storm, but his internal enemies final bid to undermine him came off; they managed to deprive him of the generalship and to fine him at an amount estimated between 15 and 50 talents. Ancient sources mention Cleon, a rising and dynamic protagonist of the Athenian political scene during the war, as the public prosecutor in Pericles trial. Nevertheless, within just a year, in 429 BC, the Athenians not only forgave Pericles but also re-elected him as strategist. He was reinstated in command of the Athenian army and led all its military operations during 429 BC, having once again under his control the levers of power. Samian war The Samian War was one of the last significant military events before the Peloponnesian War. After Thucydides ostracism, Pericles was re-elected yearly to the generalship, the only office he ever officially occupied, although his influence was so great as to make him the de facto ruler of the state. In 440 BC Samos was at war with Miletus over control of Priene, an ancient city of Ionia on the foot-hills of Mycale. Worsted in the war, the Milesians came to Athens to plead their case against the Samians. When the Athenians ordered the two sides to stop fighting and submit the case to arbitration at Athens, the Samians refused. In a naval battle the Athenians led by Pericles and the other nine generals defeated the forces of Samos and imposed on the island an administration pleasing to them. When the Samians revolted against Athenian rule, Pericles compelled the rebels to capitulate after a tough siege of eight months, which resulted in substantial discontent among the Athenian sailors . Pericles then quelled a revolt in Byzantium and, when he returned to Athens, gave a funeral oration to honor the soldiers who died in the expedition. Between 438-436 BC Pericles led Athens fleet in Pontus and established friendly relations with the Greek cities of the region. Personal attacks Pericles and his friends were never immune from attack, as preeminence in democratic Athens was not equivalent to absolute rule. Just before the eruption of the Peloponnesian war, Pericles and two of his closest associates, Phidias and his companion, Aspasia, faced a series of personal and judicial attacks. Pericles enemies also found a false witness against Phidias, named Menon. Phidias suggested himself as a bald old man, and also inserted a very fine likeness of Pericles fighting with an Amazon. Aspasia, who was noted for her ability as a conversationalist and adviser, was accused of corrupting the women of Athens in order to satisfy Pericles perversions. Beyond these initial prosecutions, the ecclesia attacked Pericles himself by asking him to justify his ostensible profligacy with, and maladministration of, public money. Pericles was so afraid of the oncoming trial that he did not let the Athenians yield to the Lacedaemonians. Pericles deliberately brought on the war to protect his political position at home. Thus, at the start of the Peloponnesian War, Athens found itself in the awkward position of entrusting its future to a leader whose pre-eminence had just been seriously shaken for the first time in over a decade. Political career Entering politics In 472 BC, Pericles presented the Persae of Aeschylus at the Greater Dionysia as a liturgy, demonstrating that he was then one of the wealthier men of Athens. Pericles stood first among the Athenians for forty years. If this was so, Pericles must have taken up a position of leadership by the early 460s BC. Throughout these years he endeavored to protect his privacy and tried to present himself as a model for his fellow citizens. For example, he would often avoid banquets, trying to be frugal. In 463 BC Pericles was the leading prosecutor of Cimon, the leader of the conservative faction, who was accused of neglecting Athens vital interests in Macedon. Although Cimon was acquitted, this confrontation proved that Pericles major political opponent was vulnerable. Political leadership Thucydides was asked by Spartas king, Archidamus, whether he or Pericles was the better fighter, Thucydides answered without any hesitation that Pericles was better, because even when he was defeated, he managed to convince the audience that he had won. Athens was in name a democracy but, in fact, governed by its first citizen. Pericles charisma leaded, convinced and, sometimes manipulated. The fining of Pericles, the accusations against Pericles but instead focuses on Pericles integrity. Pericles made the Athenians slothful, garrulous and avaricious, by starting the system of public fees. The people were first led on by him into allotments of public lands, festival-grants, and distributions of fees for public services, thereby falling into bad habits, and becoming luxurious and wanton under the influence of his public measures, instead of frugal and self-sufficing. Pericles was not carried away by the people, but he was the one guiding the people. According to King, by increasing th e power of the people, the Athenians left themselves with no authoritative leader. During the Peloponnesian War, Pericles dependence on popular support to govern was obvious. Leading Athens Final battle with the conservatives In 444 BC, the conservative and the democratic factions confronted each other in a fierce struggle. The ambitious new leader of the conservatives accused Pericles of profligacy, criticizing the way he spent the money for the ongoing building plan. When Pericles, the leader of the democrats, took the floor, he put the conservatives in the shade. Pericles responded resolutely, proposing to reimburse the city for all the expenses from his private property, under the term that he would make the inscriptions of dedication in his own name. In 442 BC, the Athenian public ostracized for 10 years and Pericles was once again the unchallenged suzerain of the Athenian political arena. Athens rule over its alliance Pericles wanted to stabilize Athens dominance over its alliance and to enforce its pre-eminence in Greece. The final steps in the shift to empire may have been triggered by Athens defeat in Egypt, which challenged the citys dominance in the Aegean and led to the revolt of several allies. Either because of a genuine fear for its safety after the defeat in Egypt and the revolts of the allies, or as a pretext to gain control of the Leagues finances, Athens transferred the treasury of the alliance from Delos to Athens in 454-453 BC. It was from the alliances treasury that Pericles drew the funds necessary to enable his ambitious building plan, centered on the Periclean Acropolis, which included the Propylaea, the Parthenon and the golden statue of Athena, sculpted by Pericles friend, Phidias. The utilization of the alliances treasury, initiated and executed by Pericles, is one of the largest embezzlements in human history; this misappropriation financed. Ideas of Pericles on democracy Rise to democratic leadership Pericles immediately succeeded the assassinated Ephialtes as head of the Democratic Party in 461 is an ancient oversimplification; there were other men of considerable weight in Athens in the next 15 years. In 451 or 450 Pericles carried a law confining Athenian citizenship to those of Athenian parentage on both sides. Pericles was merely forging a low-level political weapon for use against Cimon, who had a foreign mother. The upper classes certainly had no prejudice against foreign marriages; the lower classes may well have had more, and, on the whole, it is possible to view Pericles here as championing exclusivist tendencies against immigrants who might break down the fabric of Athenian society. The law provided even the poorest Athenian girl with a dowry in the form of her citizenship. There was never any disposition on the part of Athenians to restrict economic opportunities for foreigners-who served in the fleet, worked on public buildings, and had freedom of trade and investmen t, with the crucial, but normal, exception of land and houses. Restoring Athens preeminence Pericles now embarked on a policy designed to secure Athens cultural and political leadership in Greece. If peace with Persia did not end the alliance, it may have ended the annual tribute paid to that treasury. Whether to regain this tribute, or simply to assert Athenian leadership, Pericles summoned a conference of all Greek states to consider the questions of rebuilding the Greek temples destroyed by the Persians, the payment of sacrifices due to the gods for salvation, and the freedom of the seas. Sparta would not cooperate, but Pericles continued on the narrower basis of the Athenian alliance. Tribute was to continue, and Athens would draw heavily on the reserves of the alliance for a magnificent building program centered on the Acropolis. Pericles argued that the allies were paying for their defense, and, if that was assured, Athens did not have to account for how the money was actually spent. Pericles was attributed a desire to stimulate economic activity and employment in Ath ens, but these motives may be anachronistic and in actuality may not have influenced the voters very much. Conclusion Pericles was the son of Xanthippus and Agariste. Pericles funded and produced Aeschylus entry into the years dramatic competition. In the 460s the Helots rebelled against the Spartans, who asked for help from Athens. In response to Spartas request for help, Athens leader, Cimon, led troops into Sparta. The Spartans sent them back, probably fearing the effects of their democratic ideas. A descendant of democracys founder Cleisthenes, Pericles came to power in about 460. Pericles was elected strategos for the next 29 years. From about 458-56, Pericles had the Long Walls built between Athens and the Piraeus, a peninsula with three harbors about 4.5 miles from Athens. He also had temples and shrines built to other gods to replace those that had been destroyed by the Persians during the wars. The treasury from the Delian alliance funded the building projects. Among the contributions made by Pericles to the Athenian democracy was the payment of magistrates. In 430, the Spartans and their a llies invaded Attica. Pericles was suspended for the office of strategos. He was found guilty of theft and fined 50 talents. Because Athens still needed him, Pericles was then re-instated, he died in the fall of 429, two and a half years after the Peloponnesian War began. His pattern of behaviour before the Peloponnesian War seems to me to accord with a more general pattern of behaviour in relation to foreign policy, but on this occasion he badly misjudged the consequences; of course he could not have foressen that this would be such a long-lasting and damging conflict, but was it really in the interests of Athens to get involved in hostilities with the Spartans in the first place? Threats might be all very well, to gain as good a postions for Athens as possible, especially as the Spartans were none to keen for any war, but surely the aim should have been to manage things through the acceptance of separate spheres of influence. Perhaps Pericles had been just too successful in the past, and this encouraged him to take a step too far. But I dont think one can condemn his bullishness before the Peloponnesian War while uncritically praising similar behaviour earlier. You refer to the idealization of Pericles. Now was at its height at a time when there was a general admiration for empires, and here was an Athenian Empire which, on a smalller scale, one could put alongside the Roman and later empires. As empires fell out of fashion, historians began to take a more nuanced view of Athenian activities in the age of Pericles, and this must have had some effect on how Pericles has been viewed. I dont know how significant a factor this has been in altering evaluations of him, others may be able to say more. à ¯Ã à ¨Ã ¯Ã à ¨Ã ¯Ã à ¨Ã ¯Ãâà ´Ã ¯Ã à §Ã ¯Ã à §Ã ¯Ã à §
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Mapping an Argument Essay
The first article talks about the lack of regulation on the quality and safety of our food supply even though there are health food options, such as fruits and vegetables. Especially, in the federal school lunch programs that have contributed to poor health of our younger citizens. The United States has had one of the safest food systems in the world, but within the last few years 70 million Americans have gotten sick, 300,000 have been hospitalized, and 5,000 die from food-borne illnesses each year. Consumers always identify with wholesome ââ¬â not harmful foods. Our children today are most at risk from these food threats, with about half of all food-borne illnesses hitting children under 15. The tens of millions of victims of food-borne illnesses represent only a small segment of the causalities from our failure as Americans to require safe and nutritious foods. A regulation of chemicals, many of the fruits and vegetables that should be healthy and nutritious are being laced with dangerous pesticides. Many foods that are being marketed to our children have trans-fats and high fructose corn syrup, that have contributed to the epidemic of obesity in young children, heart disease and diabetes in older populations. It is far from perfect, but the Food Safety Enhancement Act (HR2749) was passed by the House of Representatives in 2008 and has taken steps in the right direction. The Act has given more authority to the FDA, which had restored some of the power to conduct food inspections and strengthen oversight. Yes, many regulations have been in place but since January 2010, over 850,000 pounds of beef have been recalled due to E. oli. Like I said it is far from over, but many more safety legislation should be able to target the largest causes of these food-borne illnesses. I believe that all of this would not happen if the growth of small farms. The less risk of contamination and not as many people would be put into the hospital or even die because the animals, fruits and vegetables would be processed and cleaned correctly. They would be handled with no pesticides and would actually be more healthy then what is grown today. The second article talks about online poker. Many states are trying to outlaw online gambling, for example Minnesota, their arguments are trying to save citizens from ruin, but many states are running their own casino and betting operations. A ban on poker, a game the requires skill, is against American and capitalist principles and would restrict peopleââ¬â¢s freedom. Monday April 29, 2009, The Minnesota Department of Public Safety gave notice to all major internet service providers that they will be ordered to block service to a list of 200 internet gambling related sites. It may expand to ââ¬Å"thousandsâ⬠of sites, depending on compliance. Chris Fox, who plays poker for a living, is very biased about the issue since he plays poker for a living and if the ban is upheld, then he would have to move states. Canada on the other hand has not made online poker illegal and are much more friendly toward online poker players. Online poker is all about skill and defined on the Department of Public Safetyââ¬â¢s own website, games of skills are not illegal. When the government all of a suddenly tries to attempt something like enforcing a law that does not even really exist and try to prevent players from doing something that is actually legal, it is always about money or politics. In conclusion, there is really no conclusion since there are many ways around this prohibition and that it will not prevent anyone who really wants to play from getting online and playing poker where ever they choose to. The Wire Act of 1961, which was meant for preventing the transmission of sports bets over phone lines and the internet did not exist. Many people have emailed the Department of Justice to let them know that people play online poker every day and that they should come arrest these people, but never heard anything back. The threats that are used now are very minimal and will find other Americans to hassle.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Professional Solder
What does being a professional solder mean to me? Professionalism as a solider is exemplified by the constant display of knowledge of what it means to be a soldier and showing that in your everyday duty. As a professional solider you should constantly have situational awareness, knowing how to address your superior and subordinates, maintaining your military bearing and how to do your job efficiently are the cornerstones of being a true professional solider..For instincts being a professional solder means to serve our country from foren or domestic enemies so that all the people of the United States of America can live a happy and free lives . being part of that one percent that decided to join the armed services. Having young and older generations look up to you for being who you are. It also means living up to your seven key army values. Many people know what the words are and what they mean loyalty- Bear true faith and allegiance to the U. S. Constitution, the Army, your unit and other Soldiers, duty Fulfill your obligations.doing your duty means more than carrying out your assigned tasks; Duty means being able to accomplish tasks as part of a team, respect- Treat people as they should be treated. In the Soldierââ¬â¢s Code, we pledge to ââ¬Å"treat others with dignity and respect while expecting others to do the same, selfless service-Put the welfare of the nation, the Army and your subordinates before your own. Selfless service is larger than just one person, honor-Live up to Army values, integrity-do whatââ¬â¢s right, legally and morally.Integrity is a quality you develop by adhering to moral principles. It requires that you do and say nothing that deceives others, personal courage Face fear, danger or adversity (physical or moral). But how often do you see someone actually live up to them? Being a professional solder I have to live by them values on a everyday bases. As a professional solder you also need to live by the army creed, I am an American Soldier. I am a warrior and a member of a team. I serve the people of the United States, and live the Army Values.I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade. I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself. I am an expert and I am a professional. I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy, the enemies of the United States of America in close combat. I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life. I am an American Soldier.The main thing we pull out of all that and keep to heart it the worrier ethos, I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade. I the army we have a long and strong tradition of military structure that demands that those of lower ranks refer to their superiors in certain ways. If you do not know how to properly address superior officers, you can find yourself being reprimanded or, even worse, ââ¬Å"smokedâ⬠(put through vigorous physical punishment).
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen - 983 Words
Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice, written by Jane Austen, presents a case of almost lost love, while presenting characters of extreme diversity. Love, marriage, and the views of opposite sexes are common outlooks presented in Volume I of Jane Austenââ¬â¢s novel. One of the main characters that takes readers through a loop of different emotions is Mr. Darcy. Mr. Darcy is a wealthy gentlemen by birth. He has women flaunting over him at all times, so when Elizabeth gives him the cold shoulder, he is incredibly taken by surprise. His view on love starts out very materialistic, but slowly as his relationship with Elizabeth grows, we see a change in his behavior. Marriage, in Mr. Darcyââ¬â¢s opinion, should be kept within social classes and because of his wealth and wide range of women to pick from, his partner in marriage must possess every, almost unobtainable characteristic in which he admires. Darcy views women as objects, instead of human being s. He is more worried about what they have, instead of who they are. Although he seems set in his ways, readers start to slowly see a shift in these views as the volume comes to an end. Mr. Darcy has a skewed view of love because he is so used to women just falling at his feet because of his extreme wealth and handsome looks. In the beginning, we see a very materialistic love. He acted as though looks and social statuses were the only thing that enticed him. Mr. Darcy proves his worldly feelings when heShow MoreRelatedPride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Essay1724 Words à |à 7 PagesThe 18th century novel, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, is a fascinating book about a young womanââ¬â¢s struggle with family and love. Pride and Prejudice was originally published in 1813, but, the most common version of the story, and the one used for this research, is from the version published in 1892, still by only Jane Austen, though many other authors have contributed to this book over time. Austen often references the class system at the time, often noting one of the multiple heroineââ¬â¢s struggleRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1467 Words à |à 6 Pages P ride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is a classic novel that has remained relevant even years after its release. Its themes and symbols are understandable to even the most modern of reader. One of the many themes is sisterhood, something that is focused on constantly throughout the novel. Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist of the novel, finds many of her decisions to be based upon the actions of her sisters. Making sisterhood a main driving force. Whether they are confiding in each other for marriageRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen872 Words à |à 4 PagesIn my personal cherished novel, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, the worlds of two immensely divergent people display the marxist idea of the importance of social status and its affect on the people. The two main characters seem to be on opposite ends of the earth in terms of an affluent Mr. Darcy being so privileged while on the contrary, Miss Elizabeth Bennet is of a lower class. Throughout the novel, there is a fine d istinction between their clashing opinions and actions that are highly influencedRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Essay1711 Words à |à 7 Pageshe 18th century novel, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, is a fascinating book about a young womanââ¬â¢s struggle with family and love. Pride and Prejudice was originally published in 1813, but, the most common version of the story, and the one used for this research, is from the version published in 1892, still by only Jane Austen, though many other authors have contributed to this book over time. Austen often references the class system at the time, often noting one of the multiple heroineââ¬â¢s struggleRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1285 Words à |à 6 PagesPride and Prejudice Analysis I.Introduction Jane Austen wrote her novels during the time period known as the Regency. The Enlightenment and the Age of Reason, a time where ideas like democracy, secularism, and the rise of developing sciences were making their way across Europe had come to an end.It was replaced with the wave of horror that was the French Revolution, a once minor revolt that escalated into a violent war, concluding with the rise of Napoleon, which whom England fought against the majorityRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1384 Words à |à 6 PagesNicole Voyatzis Professor W. Acres HISTORY 1401E May 26, 2015 Discussion Paper - Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice written in 1813 by Jane Austen tells the story of The Bennetââ¬â¢s and their five unmarried daughters. The family live as part of the lower gentry in early 19th century England. With that being said, Mrs. Bennetââ¬â¢s primary focus in life is to ensure that all her daughters are married, preferably to wealthy men. The book begins with Mrs. Bennet seeing an opportunity for her daughtersRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1570 Words à |à 7 PagesThe comical novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen depicts the love life of women in the early 1800ââ¬â¢s. Austen shows the hardships young women in that time period had to go threw to find their place in this world. Women were thought of as objects to the men, they were supposed to be stay at home mothers, or simple just a accessory to their partner. Women were the subordinates in life, as they still are today. Austen tells the story of how Mrs. Bennet (a mother of 5) works tirelessly to get her daughte rsRead MoreJane Austen: Pride and Prejudice 1086 Words à |à 5 PagesJane Austen, born December 16, 1775, was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction earned her a place as one of the most widely read authors in English literature. Austenââ¬â¢s novels critique the life of the second half of the eighteenth century and are part of the transition to nineteenth-century realism. Though her novels were by no means autobiographical, her fictional characters do shed light on the facts of her life and but more importantly, they offered aspiring writers a model of howRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen914 Words à |à 4 Pages Bell 1 Natalie Bell Pedersen English 4 honors 29 February 2016 Pride and Prejudice Essay Jane Austen s novel, Pride and Prejudice, focuses on the social conflicts of England during the 1800s. Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy fall in love, and face social criticism. Mr. Darcy struggles with the ideology of societal expectations while falling in love with Elizabeth Bennet. After persistent self-reflection, Mr. Darcy overcomes the stereotype of whom he should marry, and marries ElizabethRead More Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 1104 Words à |à 5 Pagesrate of over 50% from 1970-2010. However, during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, marriage was often one of the few choices for a womanââ¬â¢s occupation. Reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen from the twenty-first century perspective might make some matters that are stressed in the book seem dated or trivial. As Pride and Prejudice was set sometime during the Napoleonic Wars, it is only fitting that finding a proper marriage is on the minds of many of the women in the book. Marriage and marrying
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