Thursday, October 31, 2019

HR in Service Industry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

HR in Service Industry - Assignment Example The human resource department is held accountable for making sure that the job of administration in the company is performed in a manner that is relevant and that the operations of the company are in line with the law that governs the running of the business in the country of base. This will ensure that the company does not run in to trouble with the authorities over illegal running of the business and that they are not hiring employees in a way that does not relate with the law. The human resource department in the organization gives provision for incentives like promotions to employees by evaluating their work, it ensures the safety of the employees and the procedure that information in the company flows is guarded and follows certain guidelines, the human resource department caters for employees who are on vacation or who are sick, the department ensures that they are replaced for the time being and that their work is done properly (Goeldner, 2009 p89). This kind of human resource management is a highly active method of managing people in an organization. It needs the human resource managers to be able to think ahead of all employees and other personnel in the company. The managers in this unit are needed to be able to do better planning and come up with methods to grow the organization, to be able to design methods to satisfy the needs of the employees to ensure that they are able to work well without second thoughts about working in the organization. The human resource managers also ensure that the employees of the company are able to discharge their duties properly by being able to hire people who know how to discharge their duties and being able to train the employees so that they will discharge the duties of the organization properly. The strategy that the human resource managers will use in ensuring the employees add value to the organization will determine how business is carried out in the organization. This will also affect the value of the organiza tion. All the organizations that manage to meet the requirements and the needs of their employees are able to cultivate an atmosphere in the work site that will result in to exceptionally enjoyable productivity. The human resource department is the best place to start ensuring that the needs of the employees are well catered for. By being able to incorporate strategies that will result in to better productivity in the company the company will have to invest well in its dealings and all that work that it is required to do to make sure that the needs of the employees are satisfied. The company should come up with methods of ensuring that they are able to retain all the skilled employees and be able to train other skilled employees to ensure that they are capable of helping the company to be profitable. By doing this, the hotel will be able to retain several of its employees; this will in turn make sure that the company will not spend more money on hiring of and training the new employ ees to the level of performing. When the human resource department starts to plan, they have to consider on what the employees need are and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

MICROECONOMICS presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MICROECONOMICS presentation - Essay Example Barriers to Entry. The airline industry operates in a highly dynamic environment and is affected not only by the legal, technological and economic environment but also by the global environment. Government restrictions and high degree of competition act as entry barriers in the airline industry. However the biggest entry barrier is the gargantuan cost involved in setting up and running the business. The acquisition of aircrafts, implementation of adequate security measures, deployment of skilled manpower and rendering the desired level of customer service entail huge financial resources. The high cost of entry however does not deter organizations with sound business models and adequate financial resources to enter the business. The Australian domestic airline industry, after its deregulation in 1990, has seen the entry of many players each catering to different customer segments. There have been firms that have flourished (Virgin Australian Airlines) and there have been firms that ha ve perished (Ansett Australia). Competitive strategies. In addition to the general business environment, companies are also affected by the competitive strategies adopted by rival firms. ... An example of the differentiation could be an airline (Qantas) which provides ‘bells and whistles’ in its service and charges a high price. Likewise, there could be another airline (Tiger Airways) with a ‘no frills’ service. It is important to note here that these two airlines are targeting distinct customer segments. As such, the high price charged by the airline offering value added services (e.g. in-flight entertainment, free wine) in addition to the core service of transportation does not induce the other airline, which offers ‘trimmed down’ services, to increase the price. Game Theory. There may be instances where more than one firm is competing for the same target market; for e.g. two airlines (Jetstar and Tiger Airways) trying to capture the price-sensitive customer. The competitive strategies employed by one firm and reactions thereof by the other firm are best understood with the help of the game theory. In the world of business game th eory finds applications in research and development expenditure, pricing, new product introduction, strikes, negotiations etc. A manager’s decision in each of these settings depends on the decisions that other players in the industry will take. As such, the payoffs in these setting can said to be interdependent. In the discussion about the airline industry, one may fathom three different outcomes; co-operative game, non co-operative game and a situation of no interdependence. The airline may get together and form a cartel (cooperative game) and operate as if they were a monopoly. In such a case the dominant strategy of each firm would be high price and neither would be compelled to reduce the price because of the implicit co-operation. This is the most logical game when the industry

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Aristotles Politics Analysis

Aristotles Politics Analysis The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) was one of the most important Western philosophers in ancient times. He contributed to nearly every aspect of human knowledge and society, especially in the field of politics. Aristotle even wrote an entire book called Politics. I found the full English-translated version of Aristotles Politics through Fordham Universitys The Ancient History Sourcebook in the Greek subgenre of Philosophy ( Politics is a comprehensive examination of the origins and structure of Greek society. Like the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt, Aristotles perspective on politics is deeply-rooted in the city-state, or polis as the Greeks call it. In a polis, all citizens in a Greek city-state hold a functioning role in government. Young citizens would serve in the military, middle-aged citizens would govern, and older citizens took care of religious affairs. Newsome High Schools English Department adds on stating that Since citizenship involves an active role in running the state, a citizen identifies strongly with the city-state to which he belongs, to the point that the Greeks consider exile to be a fate worse than death. Aristotles Politics as well as many other works from ancient Greece were shaped by its cultural and temporal contexts. Religion was present in all areas of ancient Greek life, especially in politics. With religion came stories and myths used to clarify the origins of the world, gods that represented each tangible or intangible aspect of life, and temples which saturated the Greek municipal landscape. These aspects of ancient Greek life allowed for Greek government and society to function and thrive. Aristotle critically analyzes the political infrastructure of ancient Greece in Books IV-VI. Accordingly, a strong middle class prevents corruption and oppression. He goes on to say though it is not necessary to give everyone equal access to public office, it is never wise to exclude entirely any group from power. Aristotle recommends education and inclusiveness in order to preserve a constitution. Aristotle acknowledged that there were three kinds of government, each consisting of two extremes: good and bad or just and unjust, depending on how the ruler leads. When only one person is given the power to rule, the government is considered as a monarchy if the ruler is good or just and a tyranny if the ruler is bad. When a small group of elitists rule, the government is an aristocracy if the rulers are good and an oligarchy if the rulers are bad. When all of the citizens that reside within the city-state rule, a constitution is a polity if they rule well and a democracy if they rule po orly. In general, Politics states that a government is good or just when it benefits all of the citizens residing within the city-state and unjust when it benefits only those in power, whether singular or several. Aristotle also acknowledged that there were three branches of civic government. The first branch of civic government was known as the deliberative. The deliberative branch makes the major political decisions of the city-state. The second branch of civic government was known as the executive branch. The executive branch handles the everyday tasks of the city-state. The third and final branch of civic government was known as the judicial branch. The judicial branch oversees the legal affairs of the city-state. Books VII and VIII refer back to the initial question of how the ideal city-state would appear to be. Surely, such a city would be large enough for self-sufficiency but would also be small enough to ensure fellow feeling. Aristotle notes that a successful city-state should be located by the water to allow for easy sea commerce, which was the easiest and fastest channel of transport that was available back then. Education ensures the well-being of the city-state, which is why Aristotle states his preference of a public program of education as opposed to something like private tutoring. His recommended curriculum consisted of a variety of learning subjects including reading and writing, physical education, music, and drawing. This system of education helped citizens make the most of both work and play, as well as allow the amount of leisure time in which to pursue the good life. Bibliography

Friday, October 25, 2019

Prison Studies Considered Essay -- Essays Papers

Prison Studies Considered In "Prison Studies" Malcolm X briefly details how, during his incarceration, he embarked on a process of self-education that forever changed him and the course of his life. Malcolm writes of his determination to learn to read and write, born out of his envy and emulation of Bimbi, a fellow prisoner. His innate curiosity, sense of pride, and ambition to learn and be someone of substance motivated him to study relentlessly. As he learned more about the world he developed a great thirst for knowledge that left him with a lifelong desire that only his continued studies could satisfy. He believed that prison offered him the best possible situation in which to educate himself. This idea of Malcolm's, that prison was the best situation in which to educate himself bears some examination. He dismisses the idea of going to college as being inferior to the education he received in prison. He speculates that college is perhaps filled with too many distractions (both ideas are found in the last paragraph of his essay, 19). While Malcolm states his argument in a way that is simple, direct and compelling, it is not an argument that is appropriate for every potential student. One would do well to consider Malcolm X's particular circumstances and his intended audience. As far as his education in prison being superior to one he would receive in college, one should consider why he would think in this way. It is obvious that his education would have put him at about the junior high school level. For a man of his age and race and resources, at the time in which he lived, there were probably very few options available for remedial education. It is remarkable and admirable that Malcolm was invested with the intelligenc... ... distractions. There are, however, a number of disadvantages to prison studies beside the obvious threats to life and limb. The requirements of colleges are intended for a greater purpose than to extract the maximum amount of time and money from the hapless student. The requirements of higher education are intended to provide a wide-ranging and well-balanced view of the world and our place in it. A complete education is intended to provide us with the tools to understand and interpret what we study. A balanced education teaches us the hard-learned lessons of history, the logical methodology of mathematics and philosophy, the transcendent vision of the poet and the artists and the skeptical review of the scientist. While I have great respect, admiration and even affection for Malcolm X, I suspect that even this great man would have benefited from a formal education.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Work in a Business Enviornment

UNIT 203:Work in a business Enviornment. 203. 1:Understand how to respect other people at work. 1. 1 Describe what is meant by diversity and why it should be valued? It is about valuing variety and individual differences and creating a culture, environment and practices which respect and value differences for the benefit of society, organisations and individuals. A diverse workforce is important because the organisation can offer a wider range of resources, skills, ideas and energy to the business, providing a competitive edge.Organisations who embrace diversity will reap the benefits of resourcing from a wider pool of talent, broaden their market, improve productivity and raise their profile in the community. 1. 2Describe how to treat other people in a way that is sensitive to their needs 1. One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself 2. One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated. Keeping the above as a thumb of rule we can treat other people in a way that is sensitive to their needs. . 3 Describe how to treat other people in a way that respects their abilities, background, values, customs and beliefs . Every individual's needs have to be taken into account and respected when sorting out disagreements. Also we need to listen to people's needs and support them through and that way they will feel valued. Different people will have different standards and levels of understanding, so we need to use the appropriate language and respect confidentiality 1. Describe ways in which it is possible to learn from others at work. Different people follow different strategies to solve difficult situations. So, it is good to take that opportunity to learn from co-workers and sharpen the skills. Pay attention to see how your colleagues act and react,ask for demonstration ,guidance from the experienced hands and developing strong networks of relationships to be successful. 203. 2: Understand how to maintain security and confid entiality at work and deal with concerns. 2. Outline the purpose and benefits of maintaining security and confidentiality at work Information / Data security means protecting all the data and information from unauthorised access.. Information security is a business requirement and also a legal requirement. There would be highly sensitive informations at the workplace which should be held secured and confidential. Confidentiality maintenance also relates to professionalism of the organisation. So employees must make sure they maintain a professional attitude and not share / disclose any sensitive information without authorisation from the organisation. . 2 Outline requirements for security and confidentiality in an organisation. Confidentiality and information security are the key aspects for an organisation. All information have to be original and true, and should be free from any errors. An organisation has to be ready at all times to give access to the systems that store, process and deliver information to the right people at the right time. All companies have and should have their own policies and procedures regarding security and confidentiality. 2. Outline legal requirements for security and confidentiality as required Every organisation should be careful of how they handle and respect data that passes through their hands. Data Protection Act 1998;Human Rights Act 1998;Common Law of Confidentiality gives us a clear picture of the legal requirement and the best practices for confidentiality and security within an organization. For confidential handling of material share only what is essential and alert them to the company guidance ;Think before taking the information out of the office i. e. via memory stick or paper.If information has to be released ensure that it is only as much as is required for the purpose required and that the recipient is aware of their responsibilities with regard to the information being received; Ensure safe disposal of data mater ial; Inform senior staff if you have any concerns regarding security or confidentiality. For security within an organization Access Rights to Data: Limited to admin support and directors only. Only directors or other authorised staff can transport data. Network Protection: make sure you have all computers have fire walls and antivirus protection.Data carrying devices: Make sure that USB memory stick and external hard drive are all encrypted. 2. 4 Describe procedures for dealing with concerns about security and confidentiality in an organisation. Every employee should be made aware of the rules and regulations of the organisation. Following are the procedures to be followed for dealing with concerns about security and confidentiality in an organisation. 1) Identify potential problems 2) Identify potential loss due to each problem 3) Determine possible preventative measures 203. 3: Understand the purpose and procedures for keeping waste to a minimum in a business environment. . 1 Expl ain the purpose of keeping waste to a minimum It is important to keep waste to a minimum in the work place. The more you waste, the more money it is going to cost the company. Companies have procedures like recycling which helps to keep your workplace tidy whilst saving money 3. 2 Describe the main causes of waste that may occur in a business environment When leaving the room or office, one has to make sure that lights that are no longer in use should be switched off, Most of the time we tend to forget about them and leave them on, thereby causing more expenses for the organisation and destroying the ecosystem. . 3 Describe ways of keeping waste to a minimum. As our organization is much related to electronics, the lion portion of waste composed of electronic waste which cannot be easily disposed off. but the organistion had a perfect knowledge and knowhow in minimizing waste. A specialised parts harvesting and component level repair teams working rigorously everyday to keep the wast e minimum under the non renewable category. 3. 4 Identify ways of using technology to reduce waste All machines have a period within which it has to be serviced and certified as good enough to be used.When these checks are performed regularly on a schedule the equipments run longer and therefore it minimises the chances of buying new machines before the life time of the machine already in hand. This saves money for the organisation. Maintaining the machines also helps consume less power, and less expenses on repairing and replacement of parts. 3. 5 Outline the purpose and benefits of recycling Recycling helps resource conservation of energies (renewable and non-renewable), solid waste reduction thereby conserving the ecosystem, environmental protection e. g trees and other living things and also helps ith the social and economic development. Recycling †¢Saves the Earth †¢Saves Energy †¢Helps reduce Global Warming and Pollution †¢Reduces Waste Products in Landfill s saving the earth and ecosystem †¢Helps you Save Money. 3. 6 Describe organisational procedures for recycling materials Our organization maintains the procedures for recycling strictly to do the business in eco friendly ambience. As a part of it waste bins located at different locations and helps to sort the renewable waste. And a specialised parts harvesting and component level repair teams working rigorously everyday to keep the waste minimum under the non renewable category.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

America And Ethnicity Of The Races Essay

Racial discrimination and social inequality is a worldwide social illness. This especially happens in highly developed countries that have capabilities of granting the needs of numerous immigrants from other countries. However, the provision of being highly developed is also a way by which countries become highly diverse in population and culture. Mainly, this is also the reason why there exists too much discrimination in the said type of societies. In this regard, the American society is among the focus of the discussion of such issues. To be able to understand the impact of the said issue towards the society, two major public policies shall be examined in support of the said issue. The policies to be tackled in this paper would be pertaining to the Criminal Justice Policy and Immigration Naturalization Policy. Using the events that govern the said policies, this paper shall introduce the issues that govern the race and ethnicity issues of the American government and politics. Leon E. Wynter’s â€Å"Transracial America Sells† shows how the black-Americans already lead the entertainment industry. As he usually talks about the â€Å"browning of mainstream commercial culture† in most of his compositions, Wynter points out how the radical shift in the place of race and ethnicity in American commercial culture since the late 1970’s really affects the preferences of people in the marketplace. He also adds on his essay how nonwhite Americans are giving so much profit to the entertainment industry. He says â€Å"color has been weaving through music, sports, television, news media and literature in a bold band that had never been seen before†. True, even the different expressions such as â€Å"Wassup† which came from the black-American culture is already widely accepted. Meanwhile, Langston Hughes’ â€Å"Let America be America again† talks about the long-lost dream of the American race. A unified country giving everyone a chance to live in a rather easy life through laboring everyone especially those who are in dire need of employment. In his poem, he points out how much the land of America really belongs to those who plow it such as the farmers, to those who cultivates its culture and resources, to those who really serve their country to the hardest yet best way they could. Contrary to Wynter’s composition, Hughes sees the marketplace to be a place of greed widely using people for its own profit and gains. To Hughes, this kind of false equality is rather a hindrance to the true essence of the American dream. As obviously seen, both of the writers likes to show how possible it really is to attain the American aim of being unified as one country. One believes in what is obviously seen in the society specially on the marketplace where both white and nonwhite Americans gain the fame and thus influence the greater crowd of a mixed culture and depict a unified America, while the other strongly suggests on putting the lesser fortunate into employment and letting them gain from what they have earned since the land belongs to them. Consequently, Wynter’s vision of the dream of equality is far more obvious than that of Hughes’. Wynter’s idea is more practical and thus more appealing to almost everyone in the entire globe. Even other countries actually see the reality of what Wynter says â€Å"transracial sells†. Surely, many will agree that the mixed culture of the white and non-white Americans is widely spreading in the whole world through media and entertainment. Since technology has already evolved so much, the unification of different races is easier attained through the use of the entertainment industry and commerce. As a fact, a bigger percentage of the world population is highly influenced with what they see on TV or n the Internet which commerce usually uses as a medium of selling it’s products. Hughes’ poem on the other hand is also acceptable although it’s a bit of the less truth that is actually happening right now. We are actually leaving in a world where oppression is really rampant and the fact that it happens to those who are less fortunate, his vision of the American dream is somewhat hard to fulfill. Sad but true, we are actually living in a society where the fittest in the group survives. It is also convincing when Hughes pointed out how greed affects the marketplace so much, that sometimes the equality that the entertainment industry shows is rather false since its only driven by profit-oriented goals of commerce and yet it doesn’t care so much on the needs and interests of the greater number of the lower members of its community who give it the chance of existing. After all, there would be no such kind of commercial success without the existence of those who patronage its product, the people who have lesser opportunity in the marketplace. But even though he had such a good view on how the American dream could be fulfilled, he still lacked the practical way on looking on what has already been done to meet that certain American goal. As clearly mentioned in the evidences above, at some point, racism and ethnic discrimination may still be a main problem that the American Government should face. However, with the policies created by the political parties of the country especially regarding the immigration and criminal justice systems of the country, it could be seen how the community has been faring on the said issue so far. As mentioned by Patterson in â€Å"The Ordeal of Integration†, â€Å"the large and continuous growing number of ethnic groups having a middle class life in America proves that the social policies of the country concerning ethnic groups are applied strongly and are re3ceiving fine results†. Hence, the statement, which was made by Higham earlier, has been proven true and shown as a resolvable matter in the American society. Yes, the political balance of the country towards its views of the social minorities would continuously be improved and regulated.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Raymond Kroc

Raymond Kroc Ray Kroc was the founder of the immensely successful McDonald’s franchise operation. He was a pioneer of the modern fast-food restaurant industry. He introduced management innovations that are now standard in the business, such as implementing assembly line methods and employing a part-time teenage work force to produce a standardized menu at a low cost. Kroc’s formula allowed him to build an initial investment of a few thousand dollars into a giant, international corporate empire. In 1937, Ray Kroc came up with a new invention: a machine that could mix five milk shakes at one time, called the â€Å"multi-mixer.† He headed his own company to serve as the exclusive distributor for the product. Many years later, he heard of a drive-in restaurant in San Bernardino, California, owned by Maurice and Richard McDonald, which was operating eight of his multi-mixers. Kroc was curious as to how they could possibly use so many machines in a small establishment, so he decided to visit the restaurant himself. Kroc found that the brothers were doing a remarkable business selling only hamburgers, french fries, and milk shakes, while using the principles of the assembly line as their basis for production. Kroc recognized the potential opportunity and approached the brothers about starting a franchise operation based on their restaurant. After some negotiation, the McDonald brothers agreed to join Kroc in partnership. In exchange for one-half of one percent of the gross, Kroc was granted the use of the McDonald name, concept, and symbol (the golden arches), along with unlimited franchise sales rights. Ray opened the first of the chain of restaurants in Des Plaines, Illinois. On that first day, Kroc’s restaurant had sales of $366.12. By 1961, there were over 130 outlets, and in that year he bought out the McDonald brothers for 2.7 million dollars. From these humble beginnings emerged a... Free Essays on Raymond Kroc Free Essays on Raymond Kroc Raymond Kroc Ray Kroc was the founder of the immensely successful McDonald’s franchise operation. He was a pioneer of the modern fast-food restaurant industry. He introduced management innovations that are now standard in the business, such as implementing assembly line methods and employing a part-time teenage work force to produce a standardized menu at a low cost. Kroc’s formula allowed him to build an initial investment of a few thousand dollars into a giant, international corporate empire. In 1937, Ray Kroc came up with a new invention: a machine that could mix five milk shakes at one time, called the â€Å"multi-mixer.† He headed his own company to serve as the exclusive distributor for the product. Many years later, he heard of a drive-in restaurant in San Bernardino, California, owned by Maurice and Richard McDonald, which was operating eight of his multi-mixers. Kroc was curious as to how they could possibly use so many machines in a small establishment, so he decided to visit the restaurant himself. Kroc found that the brothers were doing a remarkable business selling only hamburgers, french fries, and milk shakes, while using the principles of the assembly line as their basis for production. Kroc recognized the potential opportunity and approached the brothers about starting a franchise operation based on their restaurant. After some negotiation, the McDonald brothers agreed to join Kroc in partnership. In exchange for one-half of one percent of the gross, Kroc was granted the use of the McDonald name, concept, and symbol (the golden arches), along with unlimited franchise sales rights. Ray opened the first of the chain of restaurants in Des Plaines, Illinois. On that first day, Kroc’s restaurant had sales of $366.12. By 1961, there were over 130 outlets, and in that year he bought out the McDonald brothers for 2.7 million dollars. From these humble beginnings emerged a...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Powers of Congress

The Powers of Congress The powers of the United States Congress are set forth in Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. The constitutionally granted powers of Congress are further defined and interpreted by the rulings of the Supreme Court, and by its own rules, customs, and history. The powers explicitly defined by the Constitution are called the â€Å"enumerated powers. Other powers not specifically listed in Section 8, but assumed to exist, are called â€Å"implied powers. Making Laws Of all the powers of Congress, none is more important than its enumerated power to make laws. Article I of the Constitution sets forth the powers of Congress in specific language. Section 8 states, Congress shall have Power †¦ To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. Laws arent simply conjured out of thin air, of course. In fact, the legislative process is quite involved and designed to ensure that proposed laws are given careful consideration.   Briefly, any senator or congressman may introduce a bill, after which it is referred to the appropriate legislative committee for hearings. The committee, in turn, debates the measure, possibly offering amendments, then voting on it. If approved, the bill heads back to the chamber from which it came, where the full body will vote on it. Assuming lawmakers approve the measure, it will be sent to the other chamber for a vote. Once the measure clears Congress, it is ready for the president. If both bodies have approved legislation that differs, it must be resolved in a joint congressional committee before being voted on again by both chambers. The legislation then goes to the White House, where the president may either sign it into law or veto it. Congress, in turn, has the power to override a presidential veto with a two-thirds majority in both chambers. Amending the Constitution In addition, Congress has the power to amend the Constitution, though this is a long and arduous process. Both chambers must approve the proposed constitutional amendment by a two-thirds majority, after which the measure is sent to the states. The amendment must then be approved by three-quarters of state legislatures. The Power of the Purse Congress also has extensive powers over financial and budgetary issues. These powers include: levy and collect taxes, duties, and excise fees;allocate money to pay the government’s debts;borrow money on the credit of the United States;regulate commerce between the states and other nations;coin and print money; andallocate money to provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States The Sixteenth Amendment, ratified in 1913, extended Congress’ power of taxation to include income taxes. Its power of the purse is one of Congress primary checks and balances on the actions of the executive branch Armed Forces The power to raise and maintain armed forces is the responsibility of Congress, and it has the power to declare war. The Senate, but not the House of Representatives, has the power to approve treaties with foreign governments, as well. Other Powers and Duties Congress keeps the mail moving by establishing post offices and the infrastructure to keep them going. It also appropriates funds for the judicial branch. Congress can establish other agencies to keep the country running smoothly as well. Bodies such as the Government Accountability Office and the National Mediation Board ensure that the monetary appropriations and the laws that Congress passes are applied properly. Congress can also investigate pressing national issues, famously holding hearings in the 1970s to investigate the Watergate burglary that ultimately ended the presidency of Richard Nixon, and it is charged with supervising and providing a balance for the executive and judicial branches. Each house has some exclusive duties as well. The House can initiate laws that require people to pay taxes and can decide whether public officials should be tried if accused of a crime. Representatives are elected to two-year terms, and the Speaker of the House is second in line to succeed the president after the vice president. The Senate is responsible for confirming presidential appointments of Cabinet members, federal judges, and foreign ambassadors. The Senate also tries any federal official accused of a crime, once the House determines that a trial is in order. Senators are elected to six-year terms; the vice president presides over the Senate and has the right to cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie.​ The Implied Powers of Congress In addition to the explicit powers enumerated in Section 8 of the Constitution, Congress also has additional implied powers derived from the Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution, which permits it, â€Å"To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.† Through the Supreme Court’s many interpretations of the Necessary and Proper Clause and the Commerce Clause- the enumerated power to regulate interstate commerce- such as McCulloch v Maryland, the true range of the lawmaking powers of Congress extends far beyond those enumerated in Section 8. Updated by Robert Longley   Phaedra Trethan is a freelance writer who also works as a copy editor for the Camden Courier-Post. She formerly worked for the Philadelphia Inquirer, where she wrote about books, religion, sports, music, films, and restaurants.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Australian Wills, Estates, and Probate Records

Australian Wills, Estates, and Probate Records Wills and probate records can often be a gold mine when researching Australian ancestors. Wills generally list surviving heirs by name, providing confirmation of family relationships. Probate records which document the handling of the estate through the court, whether the deceased died testate (with a will) or intestate (without a will), may help identify where family members were living at the time, including those residing in other Australian states, or even back in Great Britain. For more information on the valuable genealogical clues estate records can provide, see Probing into Probate Records. There is no central archive of wills in Australia. Instead, wills and probate registers are maintained by each Australian state, generally through the probate registry or probate office of the Supreme Court. Some states have transferred their early wills and probates, or provided copies, to the State Archives or Public Record Office. Many Australian probate records have also been filmed by the Family History Library, but some of these films are not permitted to be circulated to Family History Centers. How to Locate Australian Wills Probate Records AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORYRecords begin in 1911Indexes to wills and probate records in the Australian Capital Territory have not been published, and the records are not available online. ACT Supreme Court Registry4 Knowles PlaceCanberra ACT 2601 NEW SOUTH WALESRecords begin in 1800The Supreme Court NSW Probate Division has published an index to probates granted in NSW between 1800 and 1985, available in the NSW State Records Authority reading room and many major libraries (not available online). An index to early wills not included in the regular probate series is available online. Probate packets and wills from 1817 through 1965 have been transferred from the Supreme Court to the State Records Authority of New South Wales. Many of these probate packets are indexed online in Archives Investigator, including Series 1 (1817–1873), Series 2 (1873–1876), Series 3 (1876–c.1890) and a portion of Series 4 (1928–1954). Select Simple Search and then type in the name of your ancestor (or even just a surname), plus the term death to find indexed wills and probates, including the information youll need to retrieve a copy of the full probate packet. Learn more in the NSW Archives briefs Probate Packets and Deceased Estate Files, 1880–1958. State RecordsWestern Sydney Records Centre143 OConnell StreetKingswood NSW 2747 Access to wills and probate records from 1966 to the present require an application  to the Probate Division of the Supreme Court of New South Wales. Supreme Court of New South WalesProbate DivisionG.P.O. Box 3Sydney NSW 2000 NORTHERN TERRITORYRecords begin in 1911Indexes to Northern Territory wills and probates have been created and published on microfiche. The Family History Library has a partial set, but they are not open for circulation to Family History Centers (viewable in Salt Lake City only). Alternatively, send a SASE to the Northern Territory Registrar of Probates with details on the descendant, and they will send a return letter regarding the availability of the record and fees to obtain a copy. Registrar of ProbatesSupreme Court of the Northern TerritoryLaw Courts BuildingMitchell StreetDarwin, Northern Territory 0800 QUEENSLANDRecords begin in 1857Queensland has more will and probate records online than any other Australian state or territory, courtesy of the Queensland State Archives. Detailed information is available in their Brief Guide 19: Will Intestacy Records. Index to Wills, 1857-1940  - An online index to wills compiled from original Supreme Court files from all districts, including a few wills for people who died outside Queensland.Equity Index 1857-1899  - An online index to original Supreme Court Equity files that include the names of all people connected with a case.Instruments of Renunciation 1915-1983 - Lodged by executors who were no longer willing to administer a will, these records include many details on the deceased and estate.Trustees Files Index 1889-1929 - Files related to trusts set up under the terms of a will. Queensland State Archives435 Compton Road, RuncornBrisbane, Queensland 4113 More recent probates in Queensland are administered by and available through Queensland district court registrars. An index to the most recent probates from all districts can be searched online. Queensland eCourts Party Search – An online index to Queensland Supreme and District Court files from as early as 1992 (Brisbane) to the present. Supreme Court of Queensland, Southern DistrictGeorge StreetBrisbane, Queensland 4000 Supreme Court of Queensland, Central DistrictEast StreetRockhampton, Queensland 4700 Supreme Court of Queensland, Northern DistrictWalker StreetTownsville, Queensland 4810 SOUTH AUSTRALIARecords begin in 1832The Probate Registry Office holds wills and related documents for South Australia from 1844. Adelaide Proformat offers a fee-based probate record access service. Probate Registry OfficeSupreme Court of South Australia1 Gouger StreetAdelaide, SA 5000 TASMANIARecords begin in 1824The Archives Office of Tasmania holds most older records relating to the administration of probate in Tasmania; their Brief Guide 12: Probate includes details on all available records. The Archives Office also has an online index with digitized copies of wills (AD960) and letters of administration (AD961) up to 1989 available for online viewing. Index to Wills Letters of Administration from 1824-1989 (Tasmania) (includes digitized records) Probate RegistrySupreme Court of TasmaniaSalamanca PlaceHobart, Tasmania 7000 VICTORIARecords begin in 1841Wills and probate records created in Victoria between 1841 and 1925 have been indexed and digitized and made available online free of charge. Records of wills and probate records up to 1992 will eventually be included in this online index. Probate records after 1925 and up through about the last decade or so can be ordered through the Public Record Office of Victoria. Public Record Office Victoria99 Shiel StreetNorth Melbourne VIC 3051 Index to Wills, Probate and Administration Records 1841-1925 (Victoria) (includes digitized records) Generally, wills and probate records created within the past 7 to 10 years can be accessed through the Probate Office of the Supreme Court of Victoria. Registrar of ProbatesSupreme Court of VictoriaLevel 2: 436 Lonsdale StreetMelbourne VIC 3000 WESTERN AUSTRALIARecords from 1832Probate records and wills in Western Australia are not generally available online. See Information Sheet: Grants of Probate (Wills) and Letters of Administration from the State Records Office of Western Australia for further information. The State Records Office holds two indexes to wills and letters of administration: 1832-1939 and 1900-1993. Files up to 1947 are available at State Records Office on microfilm for viewing. State Records OfficeAlexander Library BuildingJames Street West EntrancePerth Cultural CentrePerth WA 6000 Most Supreme Court records in Western Australia, including probates, are covered by a 75 year restricted access period to protect the privacy of persons mentioned in the records. Written permission from the Supreme Court is needed before viewing. Probate Office14th Floor, 111 Georges StreetPerth WA 6000

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Personal Statement Example One of the opportunities is the use of technology to make business processes run smoothly and in real time. Such information and inspiration can only be gotten from supportive lecturers and professors. On matters of relevant experience, I was a treasurer of the Hong Kong Student Association (HKSA). The position of the treasurer entailed getting all the financial and accounting information into book. Apart from keeping financial and accounting information up to date, I also represented the same information to the entire student association. The position has helped me to practice some of the financial principles taught in the class. It has given relevant experience in matters related to business. Apart from giving an exposure to business matters, the position has assisted me to become responsible. Responsibility is a key virtue in any business. Koestenbaum (7) states that for one to run a business today, exceptional levels of personal accountability and responsibility are required. The position as a treasurer of HKSA has made to become a â€Å"responsible business professional.† Being an official member (treasurer) of HKSA has molded my personality. Before joining HKSA, I had issues with my personality. First, I could not approach let alone speak to a crowd of people. I was very shy and talking to anyone made my palms wet. The courage to talk or even express myself was a major problem. Second and lastly, I did not know how to communicate with other people. This coupled by the fact that I could not express myself. However, all these negative personalities were turned into positive personalities through experience and the exposure I got in the association. I got enormous support from my fellow students and the association’s patron. After joining HKSA and through the experience and support I got. I am able to organize activities regardless of whether they are of business nature or not. I can approach anyone without hesitation. My communication skills h ave also improved. I have become more active in matters related to business and those not related to business. I have gained vast knowledge in business matters when I was at HKSA. Thus, my experiences at HKSA have made me a rounded person. Apart from the association, I have also participated in other extra-curricular activities. I believe they have prepared me well to venture into the business world. In other words, they have made me a reliable and responsible person. Transfer Applicant Prompt Brian Schweitzer once stated, â€Å"I challenge you to be dreamers; I challenge you to be doers and let us make the greatest place in the world even better.† My dream has been to excel in the field of business especially in accounting and economics. In the past few years, I have developed a big interest in finance management. The corporate world is growing at a dynamic rate and more opportunities have been created. I have found the right environment when I can thrive in an attempt to fu lfill my dreams. I have had vast knowledge and experience in matters of finance. I am interested in increasing my knowledge in the field of accounting and economics. Thus, I request to be considered as one of the prospective students in MSc in Economics, Accounting, and Finance. My dreams of excelling in business have been greatly influenced by Donald Trump, who I consider as a role model. Donald Trump is a famous American

Friday, October 18, 2019

Christian Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Christian Democracy - Essay Example We combine the principle of centralization and that of popular sovereignty. Christian Democracy had, for all intents and purposes, begun with the immediate pre-war period. Thus, unlike political movements like socialism, or even liberalism, Christian Democracy became an important political force before it had matured ideologically. As a result, the development of its ideology was inhibited by the pressures of political responsibility. The Italian Christian Democratic Party, for example, was founded in 1943 and came to power in 1948. It was never able to develop its autonomous self separately from a close and intimate relationship with the state. The Christian Democratic phenomenon raises several puzzles: the contradiction between these parties' religious roots and their enduring success in the heart of one of the most secular social environments in the world, western Europe; the success of religion in structuring impressively successful political parties at a time of general secularization and decline of the institutional power of the church; the translation of religion, a supposedly premodern cleavage, into mass parties, the modern political weapon par excellence; the emergence of confessional parties in some countries but not in others; the domination (and often monopolization) of the bourgeois political space by confessional parties; the integration into... Solving these puzzles requires a theory of Christian Democracy. Such a theory should specify the conditions under which parties that appeal to voters on religious grounds form and succeed; account for the failure of such parties to emerge in seemingly favourable environments; and determine the impact of confessional parties on the politics of the societies in which they operate and the ways in which they shape the relationship of religion and politics. (Stathis, p.2) European Scenario One of the initial problems that European Christian Democratic leaders had to overcome was the traditional reluctance of many devout Catholics to get involved in politics. After the unification of Italy by a liberal, anticlerical movement in 1870, the popes exhorted their followers to stay aloof from politics. At the time of the virulently anti-Catholic phase of the French Revolution, many French Catholics adopted similar positions of separation and intransigence. Both the French Revolution and the Italian unification were accompanied by substantial increases in state power. This meant significantly less respect for traditional ecclesiastical prerogatives. The Church and many faithful Catholics reacted to this state usurpation by attempting to withdraw from the political system and withholding their cooperation. This attitude split the Catholic faithful, with some believers maintaining that they ought to participate in politics, even under a liberal, anticlerical state, to "Christianize" the political process. (Einaudi, 187-90) By the beginning of the twentieth century, the official Church position toward the liberal state had softened somewhat. In 1891, Pope Leo

Triaxial method Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Triaxial method - Lab Report Example Insitu soil material is tested in during subsurface phase. This phase is an investigation stage that will help prepare design a waste containment facility or structures. The tests done will be used for structural fill, recompacted soil layers, and any other engineering components. These forms of tests are called conformance tests and are performed before any construction starts. Appropriate ASTM test methods must be followed when performing tests of materials. The common tests applied in geotechnical investigation are; Standard Test Method for Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditions ASTM 3080, Standard Test Method for Unconsolidated-Undrained Triaxial Compression Test on Cohesive Soils ASTM 2850, Standard Test Method for Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soil ASTM 2166, Standard Test Method for Consolidated-Undrained Triaxial Compression Test for Cohesive Soils ASTM 4767 and Standard Test Method for One-Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils ASTM D 2435.1.0Â  Theoretical BackgroundThe purpose of this test is to establish the undrained shear strength of soil and applied to scenarios where fine-grained soils will be saturated and loading expected at a rate that overwhelms the ability of soil materials to dissipate excess pore water pressure. The author states that the shear strength parameters of fine and course grained soils in undisturbed or remolded state is quickly established. In a situation where the rate of construction is slow and allows the soil.

Economics - Telecommunications Industry Research Paper

Economics - Telecommunications Industry - Research Paper Example All the leading companies are now keen to invest in this prosperous industry. For all these reason this industry is also creating huge amount of employment opportunity across the globe (, 2009). It has a great impact on a country’s economy including both microeconomic as well as macroeconomic effects. The social impact is gaining importance day by day with the popularity of social networking sites and SMS. In cultural terms it has raised the availability of music and films to the general mass. Telecommunication has also changed the medium through which people receive their news. A study of US citizens shows that people get their news from TV or radio rather than by news papers. The benefit of the use of internet is also known to everybody by now. In these several ways telecommunication industry helps the world to engulf the barrier of distance that exists among people. Shifts in demand or supply of a particular commodity occur due to several factors affecting the supply and demand schedule and in the telecommunication industry there exist some factors that can shift the supply and demand schedule upward or downward depending upon the nature of impact. Changes in income, changes in price of other commodities, changes in people’s expectation can influence the demand where as discoveries, introduction of new technologies, changes in input supply can alter the supply schedule directly or indirectly. For example innovation of better and improved technology will help the industry to connect their subscriber in cost that is lower than the previous. More people will demand it leading the demand curve to shift upward and based on improved technology they would be able to serve larger people causing a shift to the supply curve (Amato J D, & Morris S 2002). Price elasticity of demand and supply is a measure of responsiveness of quantity demanded or supplied respectively to a change in the price of the same

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Small Successful European Economies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Small Successful European Economies - Essay Example since the comparison is calculated as a difference of the unadjusted weighted averages, the exchange rate can either be positive or negative. A nominal exchange rate greater than 1 signifies that the currency of the home country is worth more than the foreign currency against which it is being compared. Any value below 1 would be the opposite. Such a calculation enables consumers to determine the relative price they pay for an imported good and helps them determine whether their spending is worth more or less for the imported goods in comparison to the local currency. The Danish economy, which was agrarian in nature until the 1970s and had been facing problems with restrictions by the EEC members, could not afford to take advantage of a high growth period during the 60s. since then, the contribution of the services sector including segments such as construction and shipping has grown much more in comparison to the contribution from agriculture. Even manufacturing took a backseat with a large part of the workforce being employed in the services sector as manufacturing, which was dependent on international exports faced stiff competition. As such, this decade started to witness a marked increase in the number of companies that could thrive internally and the relevance of companies that were dependent on doing business with external entities began to diminish. This was also the time when Denmark joined the European exchange rate cooperation and the higher rate of inflation that was a result of the severe stress put on the Danish economy resulted in a negative nominal exchange rate. The marked spike in public spending combined with a squeeze on international exports also contributed to the low nominal exchange rate in comparison to the later years. The real effective exchange rate is a weighted range of an economy’s currency in comparison to the collective index of major traded currencies after adjustments for the effects of inflation. These

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Design Innovation in Pakistan Textile Literature review

Design Innovation in Pakistan Textile - Literature review Example Art and craft is not schemed by the Ministry of Education, but teachers are availing lessons nowadays, with increased integration of the art and craft lessons in all levels of education curriculums in Pakistan would lead to innovations in terms of design. The textile University of Faisalabad, and University of Engineering and Technology in Lahore are the major players towards value addition in terms of textile related art and design courses. The government is obligated towards availing support to other institutions towards the textile design innovation. Hands-on or practical oriented courses are required for the art and design courses. The textile University of Faisalabad has courses in contemporary designs, Islamic arts, and various forms of designs for relevancy of their students in the job market. Other higher learning institutions as well contribute to both the Pakistan and global textile industry innovation; via design-oriented courses. The sculpturing and painting were developed in the Renaissance age. The Islamic art and designs for functionality and aesthetics were the key features in the industrialization period prior to transforming to the visual appeal art and design characteristic of the modern age. Different aspects of Islamic art features developments over the course of history were indicated. The transformation or evolution of art and design has been systematic since the stone age, early man era, through to the age of modern art. Various firms in Pakistan carry textile product design and production; this ranges from small scale to large-scale firms. Income and employment availed by the firm are some of the benefits; hence symbol of sustainability. The design and production or manufacture of the textile products via R & D production methods is yet to be fully embraced or realized, because of high initial cost of investment and high energy input costs Availability of

Small Successful European Economies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Small Successful European Economies - Essay Example since the comparison is calculated as a difference of the unadjusted weighted averages, the exchange rate can either be positive or negative. A nominal exchange rate greater than 1 signifies that the currency of the home country is worth more than the foreign currency against which it is being compared. Any value below 1 would be the opposite. Such a calculation enables consumers to determine the relative price they pay for an imported good and helps them determine whether their spending is worth more or less for the imported goods in comparison to the local currency. The Danish economy, which was agrarian in nature until the 1970s and had been facing problems with restrictions by the EEC members, could not afford to take advantage of a high growth period during the 60s. since then, the contribution of the services sector including segments such as construction and shipping has grown much more in comparison to the contribution from agriculture. Even manufacturing took a backseat with a large part of the workforce being employed in the services sector as manufacturing, which was dependent on international exports faced stiff competition. As such, this decade started to witness a marked increase in the number of companies that could thrive internally and the relevance of companies that were dependent on doing business with external entities began to diminish. This was also the time when Denmark joined the European exchange rate cooperation and the higher rate of inflation that was a result of the severe stress put on the Danish economy resulted in a negative nominal exchange rate. The marked spike in public spending combined with a squeeze on international exports also contributed to the low nominal exchange rate in comparison to the later years. The real effective exchange rate is a weighted range of an economy’s currency in comparison to the collective index of major traded currencies after adjustments for the effects of inflation. These

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Veterans Administration Benefits Essay Example for Free

Veterans Administration Benefits Essay Veterans Administration now known as U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) was founded on the 21st of July 1930. It has been established in order to coordinate and consolidate the activities of the government that affects the war of veterans. The functions of the Interior Department and National Home for disabled volunteer soldiers functions were incorporated in the Veterans Administration. President Reagan signed legislation on the 25th of October 1988 creating a new federal cabinet-level department of Veterans Affairs. This legislation replaced the Veterans Administration on the 15th of March 1989. The mission statement of Veterans Administration is what Abraham Lincoln said on his inaugural address, â€Å"To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan. † His statement reflects the principles and philosophy that guides the department in its endeavor. It focuses on serving the Nation’s veterans and their families. â€Å"Its goals is to deliver world-class service to veterans and their families by applying sound business principles that result in effective management of people, communication, technology, and governance. † According to Peter Stenberg, who have served the military camp for 45 years said that the veterans Administration provides different types of services to the citizens of United States. In order to be eligible to this service, an individual must be a veteran, or a dependent of a veteran. If the veteran has died already, the child, parents, or even the spouse is eligible to the service. Active military service member who is on duty and a reserve or National Guard member are also considered eligible. The compensation service is being used if the eligible individual is at least ten percent disabled because of any military service. Eligible member will receive monthly compensation from VA. Pension benefits do not have any time limits for service availment. A veteran must have limited income and who is permanently and totally disabled because of war. Wartime veteran should at least be 65 years old. Educational training is conducted if necessary to be able to finish the rehabilitation goal. VA provides assistance in finding and maintaining suitable employment to eligible individuals. Rehabilitation Services renders rehabilitation and counseling support. Major Craig Wilhelm added that the VA offers different kinds of health care services. It provides dental, outpatient medical, hospital, prosthetic and pharmacy services. It gives nursing home, domiciliary, and community based residential care. It also provides sexual trauma counseling. It specialized health care for female veterans. The department also provides an alcohol and drug dependency treatment. Medical evaluation for military personnel who became disabled because of their military service in the Gulf War, exposure to Agent Orange, radiation, and other environmental hazards. Educational Training is being provided to the active duty service and the reserve/guard service. Active duty service can avail by those whose duty became active from the 30th of June 1985. Eligible individuals can avail on the Montgomery GI Bill. While individuals, whose duties became active from the 1st of July 1985 and before the 1st of July 1985 can avail the Veterans Educational assistance Program (VEAP). The reserve/guard service is being provided to Reserve and national Guard members who are under the Montgomery GI Bill, who have signed a commitment for six years with a reserve unit after the 30th of June 1985 and remain actively drilling and in good standing with their unit. Dependency and indemnity compensation to certain survivors of service members who died during the service duty, who died from service related disability, and VA members how are considered 100% disabled at the time of death are being assisted. Home loan services to veterans, military personnel, and surviving spouses who are eligible for this kind of service are also offered. Jennifer Jones who have been one of the surviving spouses whose husband died during his military service in Afghanistan have availed a home loan provided the different types of home loans. Refinancing Loan is eligible to individuals who have a Veterans Administration mortgage. The department can help in refinancing the loan. An individual may also apply in refinancing a non-Veterans Administration loan. The department also provides guarantee for home improvement, home repair, and for building a home. Special Grant is provided to veterans and military personnel who are handicapped or disabled. They can receive a grant to acquire a house that is suitable in their needs. Veterans Administration is offering different kinds of life insurance depending on the extent of the disability of an individual. Eligibility would range from $10,000 up to $400,000. VA provides certain burial benefits to eligible VA members like making a monument to mark the grave of a veteran, provides presidential memorial certificates, burial in a VA national cemetery, Burial flag or even a reimbursement of burial expenses. A veteran who was disabled because of his service will be able to avail this type of service from VA. This helps eligible veterans in finding, preparing and keeping an employment that is suitable with their current capabilities. For individuals who have serious disability because of his service are offered services improving their ability to live independently. Pat Tillmann, whose almost all of his family served the military not to mention his great grandfather who was assigned in Pearl Harbor, provided the different benefits this type of service can offer. He said that vocational Evaluation is being offered to eligible veterans who are evaluated in terms of their abilities, skills, needs and interests. Vocational Training for non-paid work and on the job training is conducted if it is necessary. Eligible veterans are undergoing vocational planning and counseling. A veteran is eligible either for the full benefits or just a potion depending on the length of military service and discharge or release from active service under different conditions except dishonorable. According to statistics in 1995, VA has met its targeted performance of its service by showing the increased statistical records of veterans with special needs to have improved their health of which includes those members who are considered handicapped and disabled. It was recorded that in 2005 VA have exceeded the 79 percent target to 82 percent in the goal of improving VA members’ social well being, mental functions as well as their ability to function independently. This increased have placed veteran members to have a quality life. The Veterans Claims Assistance Act of 2000 has increased significantly both the complexity and length of claims development. VA’s notification and development duties increased, adding more steps to the claims process and lengthening the time it takes to develop and decide a claim. Mustering-out payment act is a federal law that was passed in 1994. This legislation provided military service men that are returning from the Second World War then were provided with money to start again with their life as a regular citizen. G. I. Bill of Rights was passed on the same year, which is in favor to military service men that returned from a service military duty. They are being offered for a vocational education and a one-year unemployment compensation. It also provides home loans to eligible veterans to start their own business and buy homes. The Department of Veterans Affairs Act of 1988 provided a new name to Veteran Administration. The law made a major reorganization to VA.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Analyze How Embraer Has Structured Itself Economics Essay

Analyze How Embraer Has Structured Itself Economics Essay This paper will focus on the commercial aircraft industry. The report will analyze how Embraer has structured itself and gained competitive advantage in lower end segment of the aircraft industry and then the analysis of cost of capital of Embraer will be projected. The commercial aircraft industry has faced a tough times in recent past which resulted in failures, mergers and joint ventures. The aircraft industry has faced a lot of competition from two of the giants Boeing and Airbus which have dominated the whole aircraft market and has maximum market share. These two giants have huge pool of investment, better infrastructure and government support and because of that they are dominating the aircraft market. All these companies see the current business environment possessing the challenges of a weak global economy and demand due to the economic turmoil, high and unstable fuel costs, and lack of foreign investments. Brazil PEST Framework: Political: Federal Republic framework which is similar to that of United States of America. The federal republic has three independent branches independent branches: executive legislative and judicial. The President heads the executive branch. The increasing divergence between US and Brazilian foreign policy creates high geopolitical risk. This will lead to increasing confrontations between the US and Brazil and the continued decline of foreign direct investment. The main source of violence in Brazil is criminal rather than political. Personal security is poor as there is an extremely high rate of criminal activity in major cities. Police fails to assure safety for citizens as well for business. Brazilian legal system is not very effective and has several faults in them. Honest government is also a big problem in Brazil for ex. the impeachment of a former Brazilian president Mello in 1992 who have been involved in an extortion scheme, and the current corruption scandal of the ruling party of Lula. Inefficient government policies towards economic development of a country for ex. continuous budget deficit, negative net income, high external debt, etc. Poor and inefficient public health and safety conditions infant mortality and mal-nutrition are the leading reasons. Inefficient education system both lack of quality and quantity are the main issues and government is not paying much attention towards this issue. Government regulations favour the minority shareholders. Government policies towards globalisation and openness to market had favoured exports. Economic: Brazil is considered to be as the worlds tenth largest economy and one of the largest economies of South .Its GDP (PPP) per capita is $10,200, putting Brazil in the 105th position in the world. The inflation rate in Brazil is 4.2% which has decreased from 5.9% in 2008. Major export products include aircraft, electrical equipment, automobiles, ethanol, textiles, footwear, iron ore, steel, coffee, orange juice, soybeans and corned beef. The country has been expanding its presence in international financial and commodities markets, and is one of a group of four emerging economies called the BRIC countries. Economic environment still considered volatile as compared to more stable economies. Complex tax policies and regulations. Multiple taxes affecting business plans and increasing risks of contingencies. Considerable bureaucratic rules and regulations for certain businesses and industries. High demand for investments in the distribution channels and infrastructure. Difficulties in reorganizing companies quickly, including high costs for employee terminations. Lack of local financing coupled with high real interest rates. Economic growth risks are high. Private consumption will be constrained by high unemployment and continued erosion of real earnings. The risk of a significant decline in foreign exchange reserves is high because of the economic turmoil. Investment risk in Brazil is much higher than generally perceived. High public debt exposed to domestic interest-rate trends and maturity that is still too short Lack of investment in infrastructure building. Social: The culture of Brazil is very much similar to that of Portuguese culture. The official language of Brazil is Portuguese which is spoken by almost all of the population. Important cultural customs, including a different perception of the due diligence process. Semi-skilled and unskilled labor in certain developing areas. Unequal distribution of wealth a significant portion of the population not participating in the consumer market. Socio-political obstacles to necessary structural reforms (education, social security, job market, taxes, regulations). Technological: In Latin America, Brazil is a leading nation in the field of science and technology. Sectors like bio fuels, agricultural research, remote sensing and aircrafts manufacturing Brazil operate as a global leader. Government put more emphasis on the development of research labs and innovation and RD in these particular sectors to foster growth and development. Overall Risk Assessment of Brazil: Positive Brazil has abundant natural resources. Fiscal and monetary policy has been prudent and realistic. Domestic market potential and low labour costs have continued to attract foreign investors. The current level of growth foster Brazilian companies to be competitive. Strong international financial support. Policy of maintaining fundamental macroeconomic equilibrium. Size and potential of the domestic market. Broad industrial base and a diversified economy. Government policies favoured globalisation. Negative External financing needs are too great in comparison to currency earnings due to the debt amortisation burden. Socio-political obstacles to necessary structural reforms (education, social security, job market, taxes, regulations) Lack of investment in energy, rail, road, port, and airport infrastructure Exposure to fluctuations in world prices for certain staple commodities. Economic environment still considered volatile as compared to more stable economies. Complex tax policies and regulations. Improper financing regulations. Commercial Aircraft Industry Analysis: Embraer is now the worlds third largest aircraft manufacturer they had gained competitive advantage by creating cost- efficient and innovative aircrafts in the lower end segment. Competitive rivalry among existing players: The competitiveness in the aircraft industry is very high but the competition is not very fierce because most of the market is shared between Boeing and Airbus and rest is with Embraer and Bombardier. The aircraft industry is truly a global industry so each of the manufacturers has to think globally. Barrier to exit is very high because of huge investment and high specialised equipments. Boeing and Airbus had gain market share from each other using prices, product design, advertising, and direct selling efforts. Due to the intensity of the rivalry among Boeing and Airbus, the profits are shared. The industry is technically very sound i.e. there is not much differentiation between the players and their products hence, there is much price competition. Threat of new Entrants: Enter into aircraft manufacturing market is very tough because it requires huge capital investment and knowledge of technical know-how. Cost advantages of big players like Boeing and Airbus because they have enormous experience and knowledge about the industry. These two giants have dominated the entire aircraft industry and they also have strong brand loyalty of their products because they are the best in the business. They have a proper network of loyal supplier and distributor for their products and long term after sales service contracts. Threat of substitutes: No immediate substitutes are present for aircraft manufacturers. The players and their products in the industry are substitutes of one another. Bargaining power of Customers: The bargaining power of customers is relatively low in aircraft industries because most of the buyers in the aircraft industries are government of different countries and some private airlines. Aircrafts are very expensive commodities and show high in cost when switching aircrafts because of that the bargaining power is low in aircraft industry. But because of intense competition between Boeing and Airbus the bargaining power of buyers is moderately higher between these two companies otherwise its relatively low in terms of industry. Bargaining power of Supplier: The aircraft industries is dominated by two big giants Boeing and Airbus and they are such big companies that they have more bargaining power than their suppliers so because of this reason the bargaining power will be low in the aircraft industry. The aircraft industry needs huge investments and high class technology the forward integration is very low or impossible for the suppliers. According to this analysis the main components which are needed to compete in aircraft industry are global strategy, cost effectiveness, innovative and high class technology and huge capital. Core Competencies of Embraer which helps them to compete in Aircraft Industry: Country Factor: The Brazilian government has had a strong affect on Embraer. As mentioned, the company was founded by the government in 1969. Before its privatization in 1994, Embraer had established several partnerships abroad and was very focused on exporting its aircraft to new markets. The government does have strategic power and has ability to refuse certain decisions. Global Strategy: Embraer has proven itself a truly global company in many ways. Embraer has more than 90% of its sales outside Brazil. It has a worldwide operation network. It has appeased global investors because it deals mostly in US dollars. Embraer focuses on business growth, solid corporate culture, and strategic partnership to operate globally and market analysis before entering a new market. Economies of scale: Embraer is proved to be a very efficient company in the aircraft industries because Embraer recognises that China has skilled cheap labour and technology intensive manufacturing centre so they have opened their research hubs and manufacturing units in China. Embraer has been able to design common platforms for its aircrafts with superior performance capabilities which helped them to compete in the aircraft industry and now they have become the worlds third manufacturers and they have overtook Bombardiers in several aspects. Innovation: Embraer has focused its RD on the development, systems engineering and integration of the more than 28,000 parts and components that make up an aircraft. Embraers strategy has been to focus its RD funds on key technologies that it can effectively produce in house. It has outsourced the production of components that other companies can manufacture more efficiently. Embraer trains its engineers, not only in aeronautics, but also in market research and finance, allowing a broader understanding of the industry. Determined Approach: Embraer has very determined company they are very much determined of what they are doing and thats why they have succeeded to gain market share from their competitors like Boeing and Airbus. Embraers ability to continually and successfully forecast future global demand and its ability to meet that demand in unique and innovative ways will be the keys to its future success. Cost of Capital Analysis of Embraer: Cost of capital is the minimum required rate of earning or the cut off rate for capital expenditure. Soloman Ezra. To calculate cost of capital we have to calculate cost of equity and cost of debt. Cost of Equity: The minimum rate of return that a firm offers to its shareholders is called cost of equity. Formula: Cost of equity = Risk free Rate + Beta (Mature Market Premium) + Country Risk Premium First to calculate Beta for Embraer: Average Beta = 1.19 Market D/E Ratio = 22.94% Tax Rate = 20.05% Unlevered Beta = 1.00 Cash/ Firm Value = 7.90% Unlevered Beta corrected for cash = 1.09 To calculate Levered Beta the formula is: Levered Beta = Unlevered Beta (1 + (1- tax rate) (D/E ratio) = 1 (1+ (1-.2005) (.2294)) = 1.18. Risk free Rate = Market Interest Rate Default Spread (Brazil) = 8.75 2.60 = 6.15% Equity Risk Premium Brazil = 4.79% * 25.83% / 15.27 = 8.10% Country Risk Premium Brazil = 8.10% 4.79% = 3.31% Cost of equity = Risk free Rate + Beta (Mature Market Premium) + Country Risk Premium = 6.15 + 1.18(8.10) + 3.31 = 19.01% Cost of Debt: (Rf + credit risk rate)(1-T), where T is the corporate tax rate and Rf is the risk free rate. Cost of debt Emerging Market company After Tax= Riskless Rate + Country Default Spread + Company Default Spread (1-T) = (6.15 + 2.25 +2.60) (1- .2005) = 8.79% Sovereign Bonds of Brazil = 2.25 Corporate Bonds of Brazil = 2.60 Country Rating of Brazil is Baa3. WACC Calculation: The WACC equation  is the cost of each capital component  multiplied by its proportional weight and then summing: WACC = E/V * Re + D/V * Rd * (1- T) Where: Re = cost of equity Rd = cost of debt E = market value of the firms equity D =  market value of the firms debt V = E + D E/V = percentage of financing that is equity D/V = percentage of financing that is debt T =  corporate tax rate = 20.05% Market Value of Embraers Equity = 5970531 Brazilian Real for year 2008. Market Value of Embraers Debt = 6990127 Brazilian Real for year 2008. V= 12960658 Brazilian Real WACC = 5970531/12960658 * 19.01 + 6990127/12960658 * 8.79 * (1- .2005) = 10.71%

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Free Oedipus the King Essays: The Worst Enemy of Oedipus :: Oedipus the King Oedipus Rex

The Worst Enemy in Oedipus the King In the Greek tragety Oedipus the King Tiresias speaks the truth when he tells Oedipus, "you are your own worst enemy." He is too determined to find out who he is, that shouldn't be so important to himself. He also, is too proud to listen to the gods. He thinks he can get out of following through on his fate. So, it is he that dooms himself. First of all, Oedipus is determined to discover who he is. He can not accept things as they are and by stubbornly investigating his past, he is his own worst enemy by destroying his relationships and himself. When he was a young man he heard gossip that his father was not his real birth father. He was bothered to learn the truth from the oracle. He truly believed that his adopted parents were his real parents so he moved to Thebes so he wouldn't fulfill the oracle. When he finally realized that he killed a man that was old enough to be his father, he considered the fact that it could have been his father that he killed. That means that he married his mother. Oedipus drives his mother to kill herself. "Storm, then, let it burst! Born from nothing though I be proved, let me find that nothing out...My fealty to that family makes me move true to myself. My family I shall prove" (Oedipus page 60). Oedipus was a very proud man. I believe that his pride was his biggest character flaw and because of his pride, the conclusion of the play was tragic. He feels that he has to take responsibility for his actions even though he had no control over them. He doesn't want to live anymore because he married his mother and killed his father and so the oracle had come true. "Lost! Ah lost! At last it's blazing clear. Light of my days, go dark. I want to gaze no more. My birth all sprung revealed from those it never should, myself entwined with those I never could. And I the killer of those I never would." (Oedipus page 67). Oedipus did not listen to the Gods. His circumstances determined his fate, but could have been broken if he had not killed anyone, researched his parents before leaving Corinth, or not been so anxious to punish himself or find the murderer.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Homer, Alaska :: essays research papers

Where the land ends and the sea begins Homer is the hub of the lower Kenai Peninsula of Alaska, an area incomparably rich in natural wonders and recreational possibilities. The Kenai Peninsula is an Alaska in miniature, a combination of mountain and meadow, coastline and island. The backbone of the peninsula is the Kenai Mountain Range, which separates the rolling hills and salmon streams from the Gulf of Alaska and cradles the 1,000 square mile Harding Icefield, a trackless inland ocean of 3 million-year-old ice. Around Homer, rolling hills and ridges overlook Kachemak Bay and Cook Inlet. Bears, wolves and moose roam the uplands; dozens of species of birds gather each spring to feed on the mudflats at the head of the bay. Until the early 1950s, Homer was accessible only by boat, airplane or driving the stony beach from Kenai. Paved road now strings together the coastal towns of Ninilchik, Anchor Point and Homer, affording impressive views of volcanic Mount Iliamna, rising more than 10,000 feet above the sea, and Mount Redoubt, which became active again in 1989 after a couple decades of slumber. Across Kachemak Bay, fabulously rich in marine life, mountains, glaciers and steep-walled fjords dramatically drop into the ocean. When wrapped in mist, the thick stands of spruce and hemlock lend an ethereal air to the secluded coves and bays. Seldovia, Nanwalek and Port Graham are ensconced in such sheltered recesses at the tip of the peninsula. The Southern Peninsula offers visitors an unparalleled blend of the wild and the picturesque, of vigorous life amid immemorial beauty, where glimpses of an eagle soaring, a salmon charging the rapids, or a sunset burnishing the mountain crests leave impressions that can never fade. Homer's population has grown to nearly 5,000 people, and the city serves as a trading and service center for nearly 10,000. It has a modern hospital, newspapers, public and commercial radio stations, a movie theater, thriving commercial and sport fishing fleets, and a high school that was honored in 1989 as one of the best in the nation. The Kachemak Bay area is the arts capital of South-central Alaska. An impressive group of professional and amateur artists provide residents with art shows, dance, music and drama throughout the year. The Homer Council on the Arts also regularly brings nationally- and internationally known performers to Homer. The area's major industry is commercial fishing, which pumps nearly $30 million a year into the local economy.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Overeating Essay

Coming out from my closed where I live, I saw a huge handsome young man of his late twenties staggering, very dirty and looking haggard. Yes! I guessed he must have smoked some quantities of marijuana herb or something else that made him look mad. Little did I know that the young man was indeed over fed with alcohol, no wonder he muttered when I passed him to buy some loaves of bread and I remembered he did smelled profusely. Such was my encounter with Chike-the over fed alcoholic man. It was not by mistake that Chika was born into the humble home of Late Mr. Okoko Ibe in Lagos Nigeria. He was born healthy and hearty up to his late twenties before he joined a group of gangsters who feed themselves with doses of alcohol and cause troubles within the neighborhoods. They have a common character of not saying no to drinks be it alcohol or the like each time it is offered to them. This habit was alleged to have resulted to Chike’s sudden madness. On Sunday the 25th of March 2007 Chike on his madness regalia set out to look for where he could beg for whisky and gin in a nearby market. I drew close to a shop keeper where I wanted to shop for breakfast bread, it was indeed a big scene as I look but saw that there were two young men fighting and exchanging foul words to one another. Though no one could actually say what really was between them but something tells me it is not well with both men. There seems to be loss of agreement over who takes larger part of what money they are to share. Gradually crowds began to drew attention and all concentration was at the point of scene and not even the noise of a flying helicopter could deter one from trying to hear nor vehicles passing could block ones view from capturing what comes next as these two men kept on dragging with gradually increase in their voices. !! Give me $1000 or else I tell the police!! Said one of them who looked mean and more able bodied. Just as this argument was lingering and crowd gradually coming closer to the scene, I saw Chike rushed the young men in the face of the tick crowd and snatched the money tithed in a nylon bag and zoomed off abandoned his place of abode, sandals and his dirty wrapper wrap of clothes. Nobody could actually say which direction he took to and what really motivated him to act in that manner. It was indeed amazed and amused. People were perplexed to explain what the state of Chike’s health had turned to. Initially I thought this was unconnected with his state of madness. At a distance Chike was seen trying to cross a huge long trailer carry cement products, as he did not want anyone to catch him ,he was knocked down and was crushed to death. Many People who witness this scene went home crying for the poor popular mad man.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Death of Hector Summary Essay

Except for Hector, the Trojans are inside the walls of Troy. Apollo turns to Achilles to tell him he is wasting his time pursing a god since he can’t kill him. Achilles is angry, but turns around to return to Troy where Priam is the first to spot him. He tells Hector he will be killed since Achilles is much stronger. If not killed he will be sold into slavery as has already happened to others of Priam’s sons. Priam can’t dissuade Hector, even when his wife Hecuba joins the effort. Hector gives some thought to going inside but fears the ridicule of Polydamas, who had given sage advice the day before. Since Hector wants to die in glory, he has a better chance facing Achilles. He thinks about giving Achilles Helen and the treasure and adding to it an even split of the treasure of Troy, but Hector rejects these ideas realizing Achilles will just cut him down, and there would be no glory in that. As Achilles bears down on Hector, Hector begins to lose his nerve. Hecto r runs towards the Scamander River (Xanthus). The two warriors race three times around Troy. Zeus looks down and feels sorry for Hector, but tells Athena to go down and do what she wants without restraint. Achilles is chasing Hector with no chance of reprieve unless Apollo steps in (which he does not do). Athena tells Achilles to stop running and face Hector. She adds that she will persuade Hector to do the same. Athena disguises herself as Deiphobus and tells Hector the two of them should go fight Achilles together. Hector is thrilled to see his brother has dared to come out of Troy to help him. Athena uses the cunning of disguise until Hector addresses Achilles to say it’s time to end the chase. Hector requests a pact that they will return each other’s body whoever dies. Achilles says there are no binding oaths between lions and men. He adds that Athena will kill Hector in just a moment. Achilles hurls his spear, but Hector ducks and it flies past. Hector does not see Athena retrieve the spear and return it to Achilles. Hector taunts Achilles that he didn’t know the future after all. Then Hector says it’s his turn. He throws his spear, which hits, but glances off the shield. He calls to Deiphobus to bring his lance, but, of course, there is no Deiphobus. Hector realizes he has been tricked by Athena and that his end is near. Hector wants a glorious death, so he draws his sword and swoops down on Achilles, who charges with his spear. Achilles knows the armor Hector is wearing and puts that knowledge to use, finding the weak point at the collarbone. He pierces Hector’s neck, but not his windpipe. Hector falls down while Achilles taunts him with the fact that his body will be mutilated by dogs and birds. Hector begs him not to, but to let Priam ransom him. Achilles tells him to stop begging, that if he could, he would eat the corpse himself, but since he can’t, he’ll let the dogs do it, instead. Hector curses him, telling him Paris will kill him at the Scaean Gates with the help of Apollo. Then Hector dies. Achilles pokes holes in Hector’s ankles, ties a strap through them and attaches them to the chariot so he can drag the body in the dust. Hecuba and Priam cry while Andromache is asking her attendants to draw a bath for her husband. Then she hears a piercing wail from Hecuba, suspects what has happened, emerges, looks down from the rampart where she witnesses her husband’s corpse being dragged, and faints. She laments that her son Astyanax will have neither land nor family and so will be despised. She has the women burn the store of Hector’s clothing in his honor.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Juan Peron

Peron in the Advancement and History of Argentina During the 19th century in Argentina, the country advanced through many different historical changes. These changes included changes within their political system, government, and changes that would affect both the laws and the Argentine people all together. During the earlier 19th century, Argentina went through a stage of depression. It wasn’t until the 1930’s that military officials took control of Argentina’s government and things began to change. From this point on, the country of Argentina began to go through major changes and would soon receive the knowledge and leadership style of a man by the name of Juan Peron. Not only would he become the President of Argentina, he would transform Argentina and introduce new documents for the Argentine people; that outlined how to regulate the country and its citizens as well. These documents such as the â€Å"Declaration of Worker’s Rights† would alter the Argentine lifestyle and ultimately change it for the better. When looking back at the beginning, at the time when the economy of Argentina was being transformed; the factor of industrialization had a major impact. Once this took place, there was almost a massive promotion of industries, and within these years the industrial class actually tripled. This was due to the vast majority of European immigrants that Argentina received during this time, a time in which Argentina became known as â€Å"then nation of immigrants†. These immigrants and a couple of Argentine rural families began to relocate themselves within Argentina’s capital city of Buenos Aires. After Argentina began to slowly get back on its feet, the power of Juan Peron was discovered. Peron had probably one of the biggest impacts in Argentina when reviewing documents and history he put into order. Peron was a military colonial in Argentina, until he was named the Minister of Labor within the new government. While he carried this title, Peron did what he could to help improve the labor relations as much as possible. He started off doing this by, elaborating a vision of industrializing through social justice. Once throwing this idea out there, he began to create a close relationship between himself and the workers. Peron put it in his best interest to create laws that would help support these workers. By 1943-1944, Peron was officially passing laws in order to protect workers and also in an effort to create a multi-class alliance. These laws included paying workers more in order to live a standard lifestyle. All-in-all a change like this would allow workers to have enough funds in order to consume more. Therefore, putting money back into Argentina; would overall raise the economy to a higher level. These minor changes were just a start to what Peron would do for Argentina. Since Juan Peron was becoming more and more popular with the Argentine people, the military in control of Argentina began to feel threatened due to his success. In October of 1945, the Argentine military put Peron in jail. Although this did happen, it would not be the end of Juan Peron. A mass amount of workers protested the release of Peron and made his unjust confinement a huge issue. The military then released Peron, and in 1946 he then became the President of Argentina. Once elected President, Peron created the â€Å"Partido Unico de la Revolucion, also known as Peronism. He began to pursue policies aimed at empowering the working class, and expanding the amount of unionized workers. Peron also created a nationalistic view that would go against the Oligards (leading families that rules and controlled the economy of Argentina). This was seen as a good thing, since the Oligards were corrupt and responsible for the weakness of the nation in the past. When gathering information it is quite clear that Juan Peron had a major impact on Argentina. He began to nationalize banks and railroads, and continue to improve the rights of the working class. Although he was seen as a positive and influential figure, Peron did in fact lose the interest in some. After 1955, Peron actually insulted the Catholic Church and made divorce legal. He also took the education system out of their hands and put it within government control. This stunt gave the military a reason to push Peron out of power, and exiled him, stripping the president title. A couple of years later Peron returned and got reelected as President. This was seen as a must since the needs of the Argentine people decreased after his banishment, and Argentina was not that well. This was put in place until his death in 1974. As stated before, Juan Peron had a good run as President, and created many influential documents, such as â€Å"The Declaration of Workers Rights†. This document was proclaimed in public on the 24th of February, 1947. It introduced many rights that can be compared to Canada’s Charter Rights we have in place today. Before Peron, Argentina did not have set rules and laws in order to protect and better the life style of the working man. Peron gave the Argentine people the right to work and have such things as social security. This entailed an individual’s rights to be protected in case of disability. He gave them the ability to work at a rate that would support a lifestyle and the right to be in a better economic situation. This included the right to a fair wage, and the right to well-being. Employers now had the duty to train employees and create working conditions that reciprocated respect in the productive relationship of their workers. The Workers Rights was seen as one of Peron’s strongest platforms, and one that the Argentine people would remember him by in the past and present. When looking at the time period before Juan Peron, there were no such documents to help better the working class of the Argentine people. He created such an improvement within their government and legal system that would be remembered forever. At the turn of the 20th century, Argentina became quite wealthy and well established. The work in the past years in order to get to this rank now, took a lot of change and change in leadership style. Peron is seen as one of the main leader in populism, and his style was a success. All-in-all Juan Peron is seen as an important historical figure within Argentina. There are many factors that have helped Peron achieve his many goals and one important one is his leadership style. When you think of Peron’s style of leadership, you think of â€Å"the people’s party† (populism). Populism is seen as a way in leading with the citizen’s best interests in mind. Populism assumes an emotionally charged relation between the leader and the people who follow him. It can obscure class rule and inequality. When having the best interests of the Argentine people in mind, Juan Peron would automatically win the hearts of these citizens. It is the reason he was seen as such a good leader and a man who changed the ways of Argentina, specifically its working force. He has done a lot such as altering the way in leadership, creating laws and rules that would create an overall happy working class and finally improving Argentina’s economy once and for all. Peron is a legitimate hero for the working class of Argentina and is the man who would create the outline for populist leaders to follow. From all the populist leaders such as Brazil’s Getulio Vargas, and Mexico’s Lazaro Cardenas, I believe Juan Peron had the biggest impact therefore named the official figure or image of populism itself. Through struggles and issues with the military, Juan Peron overcame everything achieved his goals and improved not only the history but the country of Argentina itself.